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----This is my first imagine on here, hopefully you like it!!! Please leave some feedback and let me know if you have any requests for different characters :) ----

Lance is a skinny dude, very lean, very lanky, and VERY opposite to you. You are a thick thighed, big busted, wide hipped woman with soft curves -- nothing lanky about you. The contrast between you two is almost comical, that's why it surprised you when Lance always tried to pursue  you. At first you thought it was just a joke, or just his ~thing~  but after several months of pick up lines and not so subtle hitting on you it only seemed to be getting worse. Even though at times his behaviour could be a little overbearing, he new when to knock it off and in the end he became a really good friend. You're not gonna lie, Lance is FINE, but you're scared to pursue anything with him in case he ends up actually finding you gross...

You were chilling in Blue with Lance after helping him program her with Altaen code to make her more agile. You were having a good time, talking and joking around and then the pick up lines started. "Hey, baby yo--" you cut him off mid sentence "Lance, Why do you always try pick up lines on me?" you ask looking him in the eyes, "well isn't it obvious? You're EXTREMELY attractive and you are such an amazing person and I've been hitting on you for months to try and date you..." Lance deadpans while casually leaning back in his pilot chair. "Are you serious? You don't think I'm... too big?" You ask while avoiding his shocked gaze, "TOO BIG??" He almost yells and he immediately stands in front of you and grabs your hands, "Baby, too big isn't even a thought" he sincerely says. "Really?" you hopefully ask, "really, really... do you know what you do to me? You're GORGEOUS! Your soft curves and your large hips take my breath away... that ass is to die for and oh, God.... THESE" he says while ghosting a touch over your voluptuous breasts "they kill me. But do you know what my favourite part of your body is?" he asks, you shake your head no, "Your tummy.", "MY TUMMY?" you question in shock, but you have never seen him more serious in his life. "Yes your tummy! It's so soft, warm and squishy. I always wanna bury my face in it... That's why whenever you sit on the couch I lay my head on it.... I've always just LOVED your curves, every inch of you is perfection." You feel tears swelling in your eyes, you quickly push them down and tangle him in a hug. "Thank you, Lance..." you say and cuddle in closer. He kisses the top of your head and rubs his hand comfortingly down the curve of your back. You begin to pull away and Lance grabs your hands in his, he looks down at you with a big smile and you can't help but blush under his gaze. " Stop doing that" you quietly say as you cast your gaze down, "stop doing what? Stop looking at my beautiful girlfriend?" he retorts, squeezing your hands comfortingly. "Your girlfriend?" you hopefully question, "well, only if you want to be..." He says with hope in his eyes, you enthusiastically nod your head yes and wrap your arms around his neck and he places his big hands on your full hips. Your lips meet for a loving kiss, it felt as if your heart exploded with joy, when you two pull away you both couldn't wipe the goofy smiles off your faces. "Hopefully there's more where that came from" Lance says with a blush cascading onto his cheeks "definitely" you reply. He grabs your hand and leads you out of Blue, "where are we going?" you ask, "well, I gotta show you off now!" Lance exclaims before smacking your butt causing you to yelp/moan. "Jees, I was not expecting that!" you explain, surprised by his actions, "Get used to it, cuz that ass is mine" Lance says half teasing half completely serious. You giggle and lean into his side and he wraps his arm around your waist and you continue to walk to the lounge.


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