Chapter 22

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· Bree ·

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Chase asked casually.

Chase had been pretty busy over the past few days it was hard for me to find a way for us to meet in person after school. Eventually, I managed to have him all to myself on Friday evening. I invited Chase over to my apartment because I knew that it was the best place to have a proper conversation without any distractions.

I let out a sigh. "It's about us."

Chase, who didn't seem to sense the seriousness in my tone, was wandering around my living room.

"Sometimes I wish I had my very own apartment. It's a pain to be in the same room as Adam," he thought aloud.

"Chase, are you even listening?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.

He immediately turned around to face me. His eyes widened when he heard the anger in my voice.

"Sorry. It's just that I had a rough afternoon back at home. My brain feels so much more at ease now that I'm here."

"Really? Did something bad happen at home?"

"No, not at all," Chase said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I just had a lot of chores to do. It's been frustrating."

"There you go again!" I exclaimed.

"Again with what?"

"With the chores! With the lying!" I yelled, obviously losing my cool.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what it is I'm talking about, Chase."

Chase opened his mouth to speak but looked down soon after realising that he had nothing to say.

"When we started dating, I thought that we were off to a great start," I began. "But lately, I feel like this relationship is all about me. I appreciate that you're willing to listen to me but I never get the chance to hear anything from you. It's like you don't trust me enough to let me into your personal life."

"I do trust you!" Chase argued.

"No, you don't Chase," I shot back. "I may not be as smart as you are but I can tell when someone's lying to me, especially someone who's been using the same excuse over the past few months."

Chase let out a frustrated sigh, aware that I was referring to the 'chores' excuse.

"The last time we sat on that couch," I croaked, trying to hold back my tears. "I told you something I have never told anyone else in my life. I told you because I trusted you."

I quickly wiped a tear that was slowly streaming down my cheek.

"Bree," Chase called my name softly.

"On that same night, you promised me that we would tell each other everything. It's been a couple of weeks now and you've already broken that promise. I just don't know who I am to you anymore."

"Bree, I'm sorry that I broke our promise. I shouldn't have made that promise knowing that I can't keep it."

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Listen, Bree," Chase pleaded, making his way closer to me. "You knew from the day we met that I was a strange person."

I nodded hesitantly, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"I am not who you think I am. There's a reason why I've been keeping everything to myself. There's a reason why I never had any friends. There are just certain things that no one should know about me," Chase explained.

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