Chapter 7

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|Bree's POV|

"I told you to leave me alone!" I shouted, however, it was soft only enough for Noah to hear but loud enough to get my point across. No matter how hard I try to get away from him, he just wouldn't stop following me.

"I can't unless you tell me why. What did I do?" Noah questioned for the third time.

"It doesn't matter what you did! I just want you to leave me alone!" I yelled again. What's up with Noah and that thick skull of his?

"Wait- does it have anything to do with the part last Friday? I didn't even see you there! I looked everywhere for you!"

Ticked off, I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"Oh, I'm sure you've looked everywhere. I'm sure you've had fun looking in Victoria's mouth, am I right?" I shot back.

Noah stood frozen for a while. He didn't see it coming.

"Bree, you got it all wrong! She was the one that wanted to kiss me! I didn't know what I was doing, it was like I was drunk or something," Noah tried explaining.

"You don't drink."

"I know, but I swear I'm telling you the truth," Noah paused and his eyes began to soften.

"Look, I really like you okay. I know I've screwed it up, I'm really sorry. Please, just give me another chance."

I took a deep breath and closed eyes for a while. "I don't know, Noah."

"Just think about it okay? I really like you, and I can show you if you gave me a chance to."

"I-" I couldn't decide then. I needed time to think about it. Not being able to answer, I decided to get myself out of it.

"I'm late for my tutoring class," I said softly. I avoided eye contact as I walked past him and quickly made my way to the music room. I didn't see Noah for the rest of the day.

When I got to the music room, Chase was already there doing what seems to be today's math homework. I quickly pulled out a chair and sat next to him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got into a little bit of a situation earlier," I said as I took out the materials I needed.

"It's fine. I have to tell you something though," Chase said, putting down his pen and turned his chair to face me.

"What is it?"

"Well, see the thing is, I don't think I can teach you anymore," Chase said hesitantly.

"What? Why not?" I asked. "Am I too slow? I can improve my speed, I promise!"

"No it's not you, you're doing great! It's just that as of next week, I have to be home straight after school," Chase explained.

"Why, what's going on at home?"

Chase suddenly looked a little nervous, as if he was reluctant to answer the question.

"I- er, have chores! Yeah, that's right," Chase said nervously.

"Adam was busted for going to the party last Friday without our parents' permission. So they grounded us for a month and we have to do house chores for the rest of the year."

"Why are you getting punished if you didn't go the party?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's because- I knew he was going to the party and I didn't tell my parents about it. So technically I was partly involved."


I wasn't sure if Chase was telling the truth, but what do I know? We weren't even friends so I guess it doesn't really matter.

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