bad time

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the killer headache. I like somebody had decided to use my head as a drumkit. The second think I noticed was my lack of pants. See, usually this wasn't an odd occurrence, but this morning there was someone in my arms. The third thing I noticed was the blonde hair fanned out across my pillow next to my face. The fourth thing I noticed was Louis standing at the end of my bed, gaping at Ari and me.

"Get out!" I hissed at him, sitting up and feeling the headache intensify.

His eyes widened and I glared at him. Finally, he decided to leave without saying anything.

I groaned and tried to think back to last night. I remember going to the party, I remember talking to Ed, I remember leaving with Ariadne, I remember...

Ari pulled the sheets up to her chin and leaned up on one elbow. "What happened last night?" she groaned, squinting at me.

Oh, no.

Now is clearly a bad time to reference 'Lonely Island'.

"Um," I said, running a hand through my hair, "... so basically, um, we..."

"Oh," Ari said, looking down. Then recognition flashed in her eyes and her cheeks flamed. "Oh."


Oh hey. This isn't awkward at all.

I cleared my throat.

"I'm just gonna go," Ari said, gathering my top bedsheet around her like a towel, and slowly walking across my room.

"Er, thanks," I said awkwardly. She turned to face me and I stealthily covered myself.

Ari raised an eyebrow at me and I realized how much of an idiot I actually am. Did I just thank her for sleeping with me. Holy crap.

She smirked and left the room. The minute she was gone, I laid back down and threw my arms over my eyes, to block out the light from the curtains.



Louis stared at me as I walked through the flat. I felt my cheeks flame, even though I knew he was trying to make me uncomfortable on purpose. Such a typical Louis thing to do.

I quickly ducked out of the apartment door and slid sunglasses over my eyes to block out the extra-bright sun. What I really needed right now was a coffee. Coffee is the answer to all the world's problems.

I headed into The Nook and breathed in the smell of tea in the slightly warm air. "Skinny latte, please. Large and to go," I said, sliding the correct money over the counter to the waiter on the other side. I didn't even look at him, I was so out of it. He opened the register draw and slid it closed after putting the money in. After he disappeared into the back to make my coffee, I slid into a chair at the table.

I closed my eyes and messaged my temples, trying to remember last night. I went to Ed's. I got drunk. I yelled at some guy in the bathroom. I went home with Harry. I... did stuff with Harry.

My face heated up again at the memory of it. I glanced around the empty Nook because for some reason I felt like a bunch of people were in here with me and they all knew what I did last night. I don't know. Let's just say it's the hangover talking.

Suddenly, another image flashed into my mind. The message from Number Withheld. I slid my phone out of my pocket and placed it on the table, scrolling through my messages. I found it near the top, after a few messages from Liam (apparently I have the tendency to drunk-dial people.)

This message creeped me out more than all the others have.

Tick tock, isn't life like a clock? Or at least, your social life is. By the way, nice outfit.

It gave me chills, to be honest. Not because they could see me well enough to comment on your outfit, but because of the way they said my social life is like a clock. The 'tick, tock' was the worst part though- almost like they were trying to tell me that time was running out.

I was snapped out of my daydream about creepy messages by the waiter calling out my order at the counter. Now that I look at him properly, he's kind of cute. He was tall with square shoulders and dark, messy hair. It was swept forward over his eyes a little and he had a strong jawline. I wanted to punch it, just to see if it was as strong as it looked.

Oh my God, I shouldn't be allowed out in public.

He smiled as he handed it to me. "Have a nice day," he said with a half-smile. His voice was deep and smooth.

"You too," I replied with a small smile before grabbing my drink and turning to walk out. Once in the street, I slid my sunglasses back over my eyes and took a sip of my amazing latte. Life is officially good again thanks to this disposable cup of world peace in my hand. That's when I noticed the writing on the cardboard cup-holder.

Call me sometime. 044-295-133 - Jarryn.



"Stop humming that song!" Louis snapped at me for the twelfth time today.

"I don't know what song you mean," I shrugged, and continued humming 'I Just Had ari'.

"That one!"

"Oh," I said, purely to annoy him before joining him on the couch.

"I can't believe you two did it when I was home. What if I'd heard you? What if I'd walked in on you!?" Louis wrinkled his nose.

"Then you would have had to just deal with it," I replied.

He sighed and flicked through the channels on TV, eventually leaving it on a foreign football match. I, on the other hand, paid no attention to the TV. My thoughts were on the upcoming tour and Ariadne opening for us. I don't know if she's written any songs for it yet- all I know is that she needs four. I think she's going to sing a cover of Speechless by Lady Gaga, a cover of Laser Light by Jessie J and then two original songs. We have a month and a week until the tour begins- that is barely any time to write two songs.

Maybe we should ask Ariadne if she needs help with her song, if she needs inspiration. I'd be happy to help her out and I'm sure the rest of the boys would be too. Maybe tomorrow we can start working on one.

The sound of a key turning in a lock made me jump and Ari walked into the apartment, closing the door behind her. She tossed her purse on the table and headed into the kitchen and I got up to follow her. Louis made a whip noise and winked at me. I gave him the finger.

"Where'd you go?" I asked her, cringing at how possessive that sounded.

"Coffee," she answered, holding up an empty paper cup which she quickly tossed into the trash can.

I nodded slowly. "What do you remember from last night?"

She pursed her lips and blushed. "Everything," she admitted.

"Look, I'm sorry; we were both drunk and I honestl-" She cut mr off by kissing me gently.

"Harry, don't worry about it!"

I smiled at her and pulled her close. I couldn't help but realize how different things would be if Ari hadn't come to live with us. For that- I'm grateful.

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