Thank you very much sugerscape!

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I stirred, feeling the vibrations of a low rumble against my face. I opened my eyes and blinked a bit, surprised to be mere centimeters away from a random neck. Oh, that's right. I um, bunked with Harry last night. Saying 'slept' clearly gives people the wrong idea. There was no sleeping going on here last night. I mean, we sleep-slept, but no er, adult sleeping. If that makes sense... which it doesn't. But whatever, I just woke up. If you don't like it deal with it.

Stop looking at me like that! Moving on...

"'Morning," Harry said, rolling into his back and letting go of me. My arms felt a bit cold where my skin was now uncovered.

"'Morning," I replied. My voice sounded quite delicate and feminine after hearing his deep early-morning voice.

"'Morning," a third voice added and we both sat up quickly.

Louis was sitting on the end of the bed, grinning as her scrolled through the photos on a digital camera. Oh hell no.

"Louis," I said calmly, "Give me the camera and no-one gets hurt."

"What camera?" Oh my God, is this boy for real?

"The one you're holding, maybe?"

"Oh, you mean this one," he asked, motioning to the camera with a grin. Harry slapped his hand to his forehead and groaned, laying back down. Well he was a great load of help.

"No, Louis, I meant the other camera you're holding. Of course that one! Just let me see it, please?"

"As fun as that sounds, I'm going to have to say no. Sorry."

I mentally shrugged. He asked for it.

I let my face crumple. My eyebrows drew together, my eyes filled with crocodile tears and I pursed my lips to make it seem like I was trying to hold in a sob. "Please?" I chocked out, tipping my head forward and letting my hair fall around my face to hide it.

"Lou, give her the camera," Harry said, still laying down.

Louis seemed to consider it for a minute. With a decisive sigh he threw me the camera. I caught it easily. "Geez, Ari, you get upset easily, don't you."

I looked up at Louis with a huge, evil smile, all traces off sadness gone from my face. "Whatever do you mean?" I asked innocently, deleting 23 photos of Harry and I asleep together.

Louis stood up. "Evil child!" he shouted, pointing at me and running from the room.

I dropped back onto the pillows and turned my head to look at Harry. "Please tell me that isn't an everyday thing here."

"Do you want me to lie to you?" Harry asked as he turned to look at me.

I smiled, understanding what he meant. "I'm thinking of going shopping today. Do you and Lou mind if I decorate my room a little? Obviously no paint or Glue-tack or anything..."

Harry shook his head. "You don't need to ask, that's fine. Do you know your way around town though? It's pretty easy to get lost in London. If you want I could go with you, show you around," he suggested.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience or anything. And I have to apply for a job or something too. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" I asked, biting my bottom lip, unsure.

"It will be fun," Harry insisted. "Go get ready because if we leave soon we can beat the crowds."


I decided on my plain black tights and a pale pink tank top with a grey cardigan. My hair had miraculously stayed dead straight, so I let it hang in to sheets down the side of my face. Since I was lazy, I went with the natural look with my make up this morning.

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