That would be nice, but highly unlikely

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--- ZAYN's POV

Louis shifted in his seat, accidentally bashing Ariadne with his elbow.

"Sorry," he said whispered, close to her ear. I understand why he was whispering, though- Liam hated when people spoke through Toy Story. Last time I spoke, a empty can was thrown at my head.

I was about to focus back on the television when I saw Ariadne's face flame.

"Th-that's okay," she breathed back.

Well, well, well... I've seen that look before.

She sat dead still for a few minutes, keeping as much distance as she could between herself and Louis. Every time their arms touched, her face would turn red. She has got it bad. How did I not notice that before?

She nervously looked around the room to see if anyone had seen and her eyes locked with mine. Her's widened in what appeared to be fear. Did she think I was going to tell everyone?

I quickly nodded my head in the direction of my room and she raised an eyebrow. She pointed to her chest and mouthed 'me?' I don't know how everyone else missed this, the idiots. Granted it was only a small motion and no-one was paying attention to us...

"Zayn, can you show me where the bathroom is?" she asked, standing up quickly.

"No talking!" Liam hissed, throwing popcorn at her.

"You're cleaning that up later," I told him.

If looks could kill, I would be dead... or at least on life-support. That kid has to chill when it comes to Toy Story.

I led Ariadne to my room and sat on my bed, motioning for her to sit next to me. She did, leaning forward to bury her face in her hands.

"You like Louis," I stated calmly. She peeked through her fingers to shoot me daggers, but then her face crumpled.

"Am I really that obvious?" she asked.

I pulled her into a comforting hug. "Only to me."

"What makes you so special?" she spat. Someone's in a bad mood.

"I'm in the same situation as you," I admitted quietly. She gasped and pulled away to look at me with wide, searching eyes.

"That explains so much," she breathed.

"Wait; what explains so much?" I asked, beginning to panic.

"The tight pants, the perfect skin, the quiff-"

"What does that have to do with me liking Danielle?!"

Ariadne looked like she just snapped out of a day-dream.

"Danielle?" she repeated.

"Yes. Liam's girlfriend. Who did you think I was talking about?"

"Louis," she said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I stared at her. "I'm not gay!" I protested.

"But you said you were in the same situation as me!" she cried.

"I meant romantically- not the same person! Do I really seem gay to you?" I asked, turning to the mirror and touching my perfect quiff. I'll have to get rid of that if it's giving people the wrong impression.

She didn't answer.

"Are you serious?!" I said.

"Well... It's just-"

I presssed my lips against her neck, slowly kissing and running my tongue across her skin. I felt her shiver and I pulled back to see her blush.

"If I liked boys could I do that to you?" I smirked.

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