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What is his problem? What kind of friend does that? I CALLED DIBS. I have two options here; I can either go back to his apartment and have a go at him without the others to hold me back, or I can give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't know that I like Ari and just get over it.

I fidgeted in my chair at the kitchen bench, drumming my fingers on the bench top and pursing my lips as I looked around the kitchen. I was alone. My left hand casually slid towards the car keys and I grabbed them and pocketed them quickly. I jumped off the stool as quietly as possible and checked the lounge room. The coast appeared to be clear. I crept to the front door and reached into my pocket for the keys when-

"Hold it," Eleanor said and I froze.

I cussed under my breath and turned around slowly. Louis and Eleanor were standing side by side with their arms folded.

"Give me the keys," Louis said, holding out his hand.

"No," I told him, holding them against my chest. I wasn't going to let them take away my keys and trap me here so I can go insane. If I hadn't thought of sneaking out, I know I would probably be in Ari's room talking to that dang raccoon. If she starts calling it Zayn it might accidentally fall in the toilet.

"Harry," Louis repeated, his voice completely serious. I scowled and dropped the keys into his palm. He tucked them into his pocket and I made a mental note to steal them back later.

"Where were you going, Harry?" Eleanor asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the door and onto the couch. I shrugged innocently.

"For a walk."

"At five o'clock in the morning?" Elle raised her eyebrows skeptically.


"For some reason," Louis began, "I have trouble believing that."

I shrugged again. Of course they would be able to see right trough me. I shouldn't have excepted anything different, really. Maybe of I left now they wouldn't question me later. I began to stand up but Louis grabbed my arm.

"Sit," he ordered and I did. "You were going to Zayn's, weren't you." It was a statement, rather than a question.

I shrugged. "Maybe."

Eleanor sighed and leaned against me, rubbing my arm with the back of her hand. "Harry, why do you care so much?" she asked quietly.

I shrugged again.

"You like her don't you," she accused and I felt my face heat up.

"Well, of course I like her... she's my friend."

"Harry you know I don't mean like that," she said and I shrugged again.

She sighed. "Did you know?" she asked Louis and he nodded. "What about Zayn and the others?"

"I only told Lou," I said, staring at the wall.

"And you were going to go see if they slept together, weren't you?" Louis asked.

"No," I lied.

"Yes, you were."

"Fine! I was, but what does it matter? Is it so terrible that I actually care?" I was frustrated and I knew that they could tell. Eleanor sighed, giving up.

"Just be normal when she comes home," she told me.

"Define normal. I'm sure your normal is different to Harry's," Louis said and I hit him.

What? He makes me sound like a freak!

"By normal," Eleanor began with a pointed look at both of us, "no interrogations, no glaring, no 'casual' comments of what went on last night, no silent treatment and no acting like anything is other than normal."

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