Chapter 1: Second life, second chance

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Father leaves the table, because he has a work. Someone came to him.

- Time Skip -

Third P.O.V:

The next day, Rin got ready for the job interview. After a talk with Yukio, his head cleared. Tsuna will go with him to keep an eye on Rin. It was his Father's request.Rin was wearing a suit but he had a hard way with the tie. Tsuna just chuckled at him. He was about to offer his help, when they got down, and they saw their father in front of a little girl. He was giving her a four-leaved clover. She needed luck. Tsuna saw that arround her was a lot of black bugs. They cleared away when the girl touched the clover. He started seeing these bugs a week ago, and Tsuna knew where they were, trouble will appear. The fact is that he didn't mentioned it to anybody, he doesn't want them to worry about him.

While Tsuna was in his thoughts, Rin went to his father. Shiro saw the tie on him and he almost laughed loud. He teached his son how to tie his tie. They were talking about growing up and it was heart-warming from an outsider's p.o.v.

When Rin was walking to Tsuna, it happened.

Rin looked at one of the bugs that few near his face. Tsuna couldn't believe his eyes. He was suprised that some else could see them, bit Shiro's reaction was strange. For a moment, he was terrified. He arranged his emotions a minute later, but it could not excape from his youngest's eyes.

'So Father can see them too, but why was he terrified? Sure, those creatures are trouble-magnet, but they are not evil. I don't understand.'

Tsuna was in his thoughts so he didn't see that Shiro's attentiom was now on him.

Shiro's P.O.V:

I suspected that Tsuna could see the coal tars for a week now. He couldn't hide it well. Whenever he was bored, he started to follow them with his eyes, what is more he tried to play with them.

'My cutest is so kind, he tries to accept everyone'

But he Coal Tars played. And they gathered arround Tsuna, but this case was different for the others. They gathered not for the ill-intention. It seemed like they like Tsuna.

'Which reminds me of the way I found him.'

- Flashback -

I was standing in front of a burning house. I was called, because it was the first case involving blue flames after 2 years. The Blue Night have scared everyone. So they called me. Now, I'm here. I don't think it had any survovirs until the cry. A baby was crying. I hurried into the house. The sound was coming from the supposed-to-be-living room. The room was a mess. Half-destroyed furnitures, and the smell of  burned wood and.... blood? If you looked at it at close range, you could see a dead woman. It's not noticable, because she wasn't... complete. It was a work of a demon or demons.

I was at the door, searching for the baby. The cry stopped, and the child was nowhere. I scanned the room, when my eyes stopped on something weird. A child sleeping in his carrier, was in a circle of coal tars. The low-levelled demons tried to defend the boy from the blue flames, even if their life was at stake.
I walked there, completly ignoring the demons, and I picked upmthe boy. He walked up. And i was glazing into the almost-glowing sunset-orange eyes.

- Flashback End -

Third P.O.V:

Since then Shiro's adopted him. The report was that nobody was found alive in that house, and the origin of the blue flames was unknow. The case was closed and everyone forgetted about it. On the carrier was the name Tsuna, no surnames.

He became Tsuna Okumura, brother of the Okumura twins.

In present times, worrying for his sons' safety, Shiro Fujimoto hurried after them.

They didn't know, that everything will change, and they cannot return to the way they had lifed till now.


So, that was the first chapter. I tried to write down everything that was in my mind. 😊

Was it good? Or long? Shoul I make it shorter?

Please, comment and vote, if you like it or something is confusing. I try to answer it to my knowledge.

So uhh, I don't know what to write here(I'm quite pathetic)

The next chapter will be up next week (Hopefully)

Until then, bye. And thanks for reading it. 🙇 🙇

The lost Skyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن