“Uh huh…” She said while eyeing me.

“I am not lying to you!”

“Ok, ok I believe you,” was her reply before leaning over and pecking me on the lips. I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Your unbelievable you know that?” I said with a smirk. She winked at me before turning to finish her homework. I chuckled slightly right as the bell ringed signaling class to start.

Trinity’s Point of View

“So there is a  party tonight, are you going to go?” Kaleb asked while throwing his arm on my chair.

“Depends are you asking?” I said with a devilish grin on my face. He smiled at me before leaning back in his chair. My goodness did this boy look hot…

“Depends… will you say yes if I do?”

I pretended to think for a moment, resting my chin on my hand. I looked up at the ceiling before replying, “Well you see I have lots of plans…. But I think I can squeeze the party in.” I looked back over at him to see that smirk that could make any girl fall to their knees and beg him to date them. Luckily for me I didn’t have to beg, I was just that good.

“Cool, I will pick you up then. Does seven sound alright for you?”

“Sounds perfect,” I replied sweetly. The bell rang and I didn’t realize how fast first period was when you sit there talking the whole time. Getting up I made my way to the door waving at Kaleb and glaring at Brett who was walking with some girl.


I was just finishing up my makeup when a horn honked outside my house. I walked over to the window and noticed Kaleb waiting in the car. I smiled as I grabbed my jacket and doing a check over in the mirror before darting down the stairs. “Bye dad!” I yelled as I closed the door.

I walked out to the car and smiled as I saw Kaleb smirking at me. “Hey there beautiful, are you ready to go?” he asked studying my body for a moment.

“As ready as I will ever be.”

It didn’t take long till we arrived at the party and was greeted to people already passed out in the lawn. I hopped out of the car and waited for Kaleb to come around. “You make it so hard to be a gentleman when you don’t wait for me to open the door,” he said sounding upset but was turned in when a smirk crossed his face. Grabbing my hand he led me into the house that smelt like alcohol and smoke. People where dancing in the living room and giving lap danced on the stairs. We continued to make our way around the people as we made our way to the kitchen. “Would you like a beer?”

“Sure,” I said casually as I reached and grabbed the beer from his hands. It didn’t take long before I was completely drunk and stumbling over others as we danced in the living room. I was tapped on the shoulder and turned to see who it was but saw no one. Well of course there were others dancing but they didn’t even notice me. I shrugged my shoulders and went to take another sip of beer. This time it tasted funny which got me wondering. I began dancing when I suddenly felt myself being dragged out the door.

The cold air hit me, making me shiver. I glanced at the person dragging me and noticed it was Kaleb. “OH! Hey Kaleb,” I slurred, stumbling as he pulled me towards the edge of the yard. I noticed a group of boys looking at me with hungry eyes and suddenly got a sick feeling in my stomach. “What’s going on?”

A hand reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. I then felt another hand grab my butt which caused me to let out a surprised squeak. “Get your hands off me!” I yelled slapping their hands away. The boys started to blur together and the area around me began to spin. Hands reached out and began pulling at my clothes. “Stop!” I screamed again.

I pulled the hands off me and stumbled backwards onto the hard pavement of the road. They started walking towards me while laughing. I backed up some more trying to put distance between us. I started to turn when the sounds of grunts filled the air. I stopped and turned to see three guys hovering over the boys that assaulted me. One of them being Brett…

I was about to say something when I saw lights out of the corner of my eye. I gasped in shock and started to run but it was too late. The car hit me full force, throwing me up in the air.  I landed with a loud thud on the top of the roof before rolling down the back and onto the ground. The sounds of squealing tires filled my ears as I listened to the roar of an engine slowly fade away. Wow did this person really just hit me and make a run for it?

“Trinity!” Brett yelled along with the two guys that helped me. I tried to move but my body didn’t want to let me, so I laid there sprawled out in the road. The world grew black as I felt something wet under my body. This is the end… I am going to die.


What did you think? Trinity was almost raped by Kaleb and a bunch of his friends! then she gets hit by a car! WOW! her first day here just isnt her day now is it :\


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