Chapter 3 ( Part 2 )

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"You fucking open this door right now! Or else I'll break it down. Now open it up you little bitch."

Ha, says the one who can't do shit for this family.

"You know what dad? I'm not opening it until you have some sense in you! For fuck's sake get it through your thick skull; I'm not opening it until you realize what you've done to this family!" I said as I leaned against the door. "And once you figure your shit out, you can come back to pack your shit!"

I was done with cleaning everything and then a couple of hours later I heard a door and realized it was my dad. I was in the kitchen staring and thinking when I heard the car door slam shut. He came up the steps with loud thuds. Then I heard him slam right into the door, the dumbass doesn't know how to use keys (if he had any).

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you-you unlady like little punk!" He slurred, obviously drunk. What the hell is wrong with him.

"Freedom of speech, dumbass. I don't care of your an elder; I won't respect you to even keep me alive!" I responded. I need to keep calm and quiet down.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I hope it's not my mom. "Kammy, what's wrong?" Asked my little sister. Uh-oh, I don't want her anyhere near my dad. Even if there's a thick wooden door that's lock to keep us apart.

I heard a knock coming from the door. "Honey, would mind opening the door for me. Be a darling and obey daddy." He slurred as smoothly as possible.


My little sister whimpered and came to my side, clutching to my arm. I instinctly wrap my arms around her. "She's not doing shit for you."

Breathe, calm down.

"Listen, whore-" I had enough. I cut him off, "No, I already said to leave. You do know I can report you. And this time I'm making sure mom understands. You fucked this family up. I'm not giving you another chance. We already have and you messed it up many times. We're not going to do the same mistake letting you in. You need to learn how to take your consquences like a big boy. Stop driving off to God knows where just for fun. You have a family to take care. Act like a man instead of a beat up pussy. If you were smart you would go crash somewhere else. I'm tired of this bullshit and so is everyone else, Now go, go before I explode and you'll regret it."

I didn't hear anything else, only a car engine starting up and driving off to somwhere in the dark. I looked down to see a shaken little girl. "Don't worry, he's not coming back. Ever."

I wasn't so sure about the last part considering it has happened before but a lot less yelling from my side. But I'd do anything to keep this family intact the best I could. Even if that means leaving one out.

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