Chapter 1

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I hate sleeping. Then I love sleeping.

I hate it because I have nightmares.

I love it because then I can shut everyone out.

There's another bad thing; I'm in a new house, which my nightmares get worse.

"Don't you think we could just kill her and then dump her somewhere? I mean we can hide her under rocks and more rocks and no one will find the useless piece of shit and nothing but trouble girl." Said the woman who gave birth to me. The one that's supposed to love, care, and comfort me.

"Oh, please I have a better idea, why don't we just have someone else shoot her, that someone will be someone who she loves, we'll even add in her new best friend, and then dump her off a cliff, then it'll make her 'accident' seem like an accident." Said the one who help the woman made me. The one that's suppose to love, protect, and help me.

Why are they doing this to me? They're my parents for fuck's sake.

"Yes, we'll have the new best friend and who else she loves, help us kill her. We don't need her, she'll only add more shit to this already fucked up family." Said the woman.

"Agreed, now let's get the gun." Said the man.

"No! No! No!" I screamed but they didn't hear me. "You can't do this to me! I love you, yet you hate me! Why? Why can't we be normal..? Why can't you just love me?.." I was bawling my eyes out. These eyes wish they could unsee what was happening.

My very own mom and dad, pointing their guns at me with my new best friend and a different person- with a muscular figure, doing the same.


Sh, Kam, just trust me.

"My god, sweetie, are you okay?" Asked my mom. Wait, mom? I thought I was dead. I thought this lady would be gone, long gone. "Uh, yea, what's going on?" I asked as I skimmed my surroundings from left to right, My nightstand, the balcony, my vanity, my dresser, my T.V, my door, that's filled up with my dad, little brother, my little sister, and my best friend. What's going on?

"You were having a nightmare again." Said my new best friend, Jessi, who came over to take my mom's seat on the right side of my bed. Good, it was weird having a mother caring for you, when all she does is straight out ignore you even if it's my best friend whom I only known for awhile now. "Your parents called me and I ran right over here as fast as I could. They didn't know what to do. Talk to us, what's wrong?"

I was lost at words, I wanted to tell my new best friend, just not here in front of everyone else. I was still sweating from my nightmare. Besides, she lives right next door, I could tell her anytime.

When I first moved here which was two weeks before school started, I met her in her backyard, lying and reading on the lawn chair under the tree. She saw me and immediately went back to her book. I was talking on the phone with the big guys and I started screaming, "Motherfucker, don't you dare threatened them! I don't care if we have a weird ass relationship but they're my family! If you do, I will make sure your boss knows he's going to pay hell a visit and he might as well pack his shit with him."

She ran right over and stood by me, crossing her arms. She smirked and said, "Well, its looks like the big guys don't always go for the bad bitches." She knows about the big guys? Once I end the call. "Who said I'm not bad?" I asked, imitating her action by crossing my arms. "Well the clothes for one. And the braids you put your hair in." I scoffed, "Please, these clothes are my painting clothes," I pointed to the canvas under a tree for shading, viewing the woods behind it. "And my hair is in a braid for school tomorrow, I want it a little wavy." She grinned, like a real grin. "I know we're going to get along very well." And that was the start of our friendship. The rest of the day consisted of us just chilling next to each other. Her reading while I paint.

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