"I'm so sorry!" She apologized breathlessly as she sat down, sliding straight into me with her hurry. "I got stuck behind finishing an essay in my History class." Jenna smiled at me, brushing her hair out of her flushed face before looking down at Bear, who was already sitting expectantly at her feet, "Hello to you too, handsome." She cooed, scratching under his chin and laughing at his low grunts and tail wagging.

I smiled as his eyes closed, contented as ever, "I think he likes you more than me at the moment."

She looked up questioningly, still stroking his head, "What do you mean?"

"He just hasn't been impressed since I had my moment in the hallway."

"Oh yeah, I heard about that," Jenna rolled her eyes dismissively, "The gossip here is really pathetically obvious." She turned and pulled a sandwich out of her bag, and began to eat, "Also, you're coming to dinner with my family and I."

Dinner with a family sounded extremely normal, and refreshing, so I didn't protest. Truth be told, I couldn't wait to meet my best friend's family, especially if they were anything like her. Even if they were a nightmare, a visit to real life would be nice.


I started up the walkway to Jenna's house, hesitantly, trying to put on a brave face. Whether or not I'd wanted to come, it was still terrifying. Lights streamed out onto the front lawn, casting a golden glow that defied the dark of the evening. The smell of hot food and comfort wafted out of the house, drawing me forward slightly faster.

My stomach twisted in anticipation and nervousness. The closer I got, the more voices I heard, mixed with laughter and different intonations.

I clasped my hands together, twisting them anxiously as I stood in front of the door. The white paint was worn and had fine cracks in it, that weren't noticeable from farther away. It seemed to me that the house wasn't perfect, but well lived in, and that only added to its character.

Taking a deep breath, I raised a fist to knock, but the door disappeared and I was bathed in the golden light from within. Shocked, I felt my eyes widen as I looked down at a little boy, about six years old with a suspicious stare and creases in his forehead.

"Hello?" I offered, unsure of what to say.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Jenna! Your friend is here!" He yelled over his shoulder, but didn't offer to let me in.

Awkwardly, I waited where I was welcome and looked up at the sky, still very aware of the little boy's stare.

"I saw you in the window," He informed me, a small smirk tugging at the edges of his mouth before he pointed at a placid Bear. "My mom doesn't like dogs in the house."

I fought the urge to bang my head against a wall and go home. Honestly, I didn't know what to say to that, because I definitely wasn't going to leave Bear outside- never again- and I didn't want to offend the mother of my closest friend. No win situation? I was starting to think that maybe a social life just wasn't my thing.

"Your eyes are weird," The little dirty blonde haired kid pointed out when I failed to answer him.

"Yeah, they are," I answered, for lack of a better explanation, when Jenna finally leapt down the stairs.

"Josh, stop harassing Blaise." She scolded, moving him out of the doorway to let me in.

"But it's true!" Josh complained, giving her a stubborn glare.

She put her hands on her hips and gave him 'the look', "Go help mom in the kitchen, okay?"

Luckily, after a second, he turned and disappeared down the hallway, leaving Jenna and I alone. I couldn't help but give a slightly humorless chuckle as I looked at her.

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