[22:02 pm]
Y/N I swear I'm gonna strangle you

[22:02 pm]
[22:02 pm]
I bet I could make  #loloporno trending

Lauren's text bubble popped up and disappeared again. I chuckled when Incoming Call Lauren flashed on my screen.

"I hate you" was the first thing I heard when I answered the call. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Love you too lolo.." as I said that I couldn't help but think of this as the first time I told Lauren I loved her. Even though it was meant as a little bit of banter.

I could practically see her shaking her head at me, maybe with a little grin present on her face.

"Anyways, what's up pornstar" I bit my lip to stop the smile on my face from spreading at my inventive nickname for her.

I could hear a vague laughing sound coming from her end of the phone before I heard Laur hastily grab the phone. "Oh my god, Y/N stop! You're on speaker".

At this I couldn't help laughing, imagining her flushed face.

"I thought you were laying in bed, sorry Lo". I heard her hum at me. " Sure you did Y/N".

I chuckled at her behaviour. And heard a plopping sound on her side of the call. "You're in bed now?".

She whispered a yes. It seemed like she had laid the phone down and I heard a sound I recognized as moving around with a duvet, before she took the phone in her hand again.

"Y/N, you there?" I smiled as I buried myself under my duvet as well. "Yeah, I'm here. So, what do you wanna talk about miss Lauren Jauregui?"

She giggled a bit. "I don't know, something, anything really". I hummed as if to say I was listening.

We both kept quiet for a little while, just hearing each other breathe. Until Lo had apparently come up with a subject. "Alright, well tell me miss Y/N Y/L/N, what did you have for dinner?".

I chuckled at her question. "Ramen noodles", she giggled, "you?"

"Pasta Alfredo"

"Hmm, that's with chicken right?"


It stayed silent for a while. Until we both laughed at our conversation.

"Alright, wait, we can do a game"

I smiled in amusement, at her attempt of making conversation. " Sure, tell me".

"Well" she started "we can tell each other secrets, they don't have to be big or something just interesting ".

I chuckled. " Alright, and how do I know what you find interesting?"

She stayed silent for a while. "I find you interesting, so I guess anything that's got to do with you ". Gosh, my stomach was feeling warm all of a sudden so I tried to cough in an attempt to make the warmness go away.

"So what's your secret, Y/N" I could hear by Lauren's tone that she liked where our conversation was going which made me smile.

Alright, secret. Come on Y/N, think of a secret I told myself, but the only secret I could think of was that I was starting to feel something for Lauren. But I'm not gonna say that, she'll think I'm crazy. Confessing my feelings without even having met her and she has a boyfriend anyway.

"Y/N" her raspy voice for me out of my head. "It doesn't have to be something huge, just I don't know".

"Yeah, yeah" my eye fell on the light at the end of my bed frame and I blurted out, "I can't like, I can't sleep without a night light". Oh my god, why do I got to embarrass myself like that.

I heard Lauren's laugh through my phone. She had a weird laugh, it wasn't a pretty one but it was cute.

"And here I thought you were dope and badass and all" she said, teasingly.

"I am" I protested, but the damage was already done. It took her at least five more seconds to become calm again.

"You done laughing? It isn't even that funny" I asked both annoyed and amused.

"Aww babe" she cooed "don't be mad, it just surprised me, that's all"

"Whatever Jauregui, time for you to spill" I heard a 'quiet' giggle on her side of the phone before it was quiet.

"It's not really a secret, so I don't know if that's, like" she hesitated.

"No, no. It doesn't like have to be a secret" I quickly interrupted her "just anything you wanna tell, is good" I stumbled.

I heard her giggle. "Okay well" I heard her turn and wriggle under her covers as she let a silence fall. "Well, one day I want children and-"

"Woah, hold up Jauregui, let me take you out on a date first" I quickly shot.

"Ha. Ha" she stoicly replied. "Anyways I guess I just always thought being a mom would be awesome but lately I just don't know if I wanna bring, like I don't know how to say it. I don't know if I wanna bring kids in this world".

I don't know why, but something made me feel good about her telling me this. It may not be a big secret or whatever but she trusted me with something personal. Something intimate.

"God, maybe that sounded a little too dramatic, I'm sorry ju-"

"No, no! Lo, it's- it's not too dramatic. And I can't tell you that it isn't gonna be hard to raise kids in this world.. but I do know that you're gonna be an amazing mother".

I could practically hear her smile through the phone. "You know with your curse jar and everything" I teased.

I heard her giggles and after a content sigh. "Thanks bebita".


"Yeah, problem?"

I chuckled. "Of course not, mami".

I heard her jawn a little. Too tired to give me a sassy reply. "You tired?"

I heard her hum, and suddenly I feel tiredness wash over me as well. Barely holding in my own jawn.

"You?" I hummed in response as well.

"So, I guess good night?". I smiled lazily. "Yeah, I guess, good night Lolo".

"Good night babe".

God, I got to get this girl out of my head soon. I hadn't even met her so I'm not in love with her, but I can see myself falling for her. Soon and fast.

No, I shook my head and turned on my side. Tomorrow I'm going to kiss the prettiest person in the club and then I'll be alright seeing Lauren and Ty on instagram. Maybe it'll make her jealous, probably not though.

Texting LaurenWhere stories live. Discover now