He smelled eggs, bacon and...
Eggo waffles?

He opened his eyes and found himself laying on a soft bunk in a darkened room.

Wait! Is this a bed?

He asked himself.

He walked towards the door and opened it.

He walked through the hallway and followed the amazing smell.

He slowly opened the door he assumed to be the door to the kitchen and saw somebody standing in front of the stove.

"Good morning, cutie", a familiar female voice greeted him.

The padawan froze.

"M-Mom?", he gasped.

"Yes, sweety?", the young woman turned around facing him.

Ezra didn't dare to say something. He thought he is about to faint right now.

"Ezzy?", she asked with a worried face, "Is something wrong? Aren't you feeling alright?"

"I'm f-fine", he stuttered.

"Are you sick? Should I call the doctor?", she asked worried.

"No. No, I'm good", he said trying to convince her.

Man. She acts like Hera...


Mira nodded.

"Would you be a dear and call your dad for lunch?", she asked him.

"S-Sure. Where is he?", Ezra asked his mother.

"Downstairs. In the broadcasting room", Mira simply answered, "He should be finished by now"

Ezra went over to the table and pulled it away revealing a big hole.

"D-Dad?", he called, "Breakfast is ready!"

"I'm coming in five minutes", he called back.

The confused boy returned to the kitchen.

"He'll be here in five minutes", he told her then looked down to see him still being in pajamas, "I'm gonna go change in my room"

After Ezra changed he needed a break so he sat down onto his bed, thinking about today.

"What happened?", he asked.

Why is he here?

My parents are dead.
I'm with the crew now.

But how is that possible?

Was it all just a dream?

So there never was a Jedi named Kanan?

A brave pilot named Hera?

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