Paper cuts (oneshot)

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Trigger warning (reference to self harm, anxiety, depression)

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading my story, it is my first short completed story. I am working on a few other stories at the moment, so stay tuned! Yeah, I don't know what else to put here! This story is also on AO3 under SquemonWrites

Lance closed his eyes, letting the shower water drown out his thoughts. All he could think of was how useless he felt.

Earlier that day the paladins had attempted to come up with another plan to get information about the galra's activity. Lance had tried to pitch in, but found himself pushed aside.


Lance had stayed quiet the rest of the day. He didn't make any usual jokes. There was only a few times that he had to say something quick.

"Hey Lance, where are you going?"

"To my room."

"Hey Lance, your food is getting cold."

"I know."

Everyone had carried on like it was nothing.

Except Keith.

Keith had noticed Lance's change in attitude over the past few weeks. Lance had gotten quieter. His jokes sounded hollow, and his smile looked forced. Keith didn't say anything.

He wished he did.

Now Lance stood, water soaking his hair. He hadn't bothered changing from his clothes, and was in the shower with a drenching wet shirt and shorts.

He looked down at his wrists.

Pale, horizontal scars were visible, covering his arms. Thank god he wore long sleeves. Lance's heart felt heavy as he stared.

He willed it to stop beating.

Lance took a blade in his hand, feeling the cold metal touch his fingers. His mind felt blank and empty, and his whole body was numb. With a shaky breath, Lance drew the blade to his wrist.

1 cut. 2 cuts. 3 cuts. 4.

Lance watched as the cuts changed from a pale pink to an angry red. He washed his arm, ignoring the sting. Lance then continued, closing his eyes again. All he could hear was his own breath, and the faint fall of the shower water.

The first time he cut, Hunk had noticed. His sleeves were rolled up as the two were training, revealing one long slice.

Lance said that he had gotten a paper cut.

Hunk surprisingly believed him.

There was no excuse for it anymore. There were too many paper cuts to count.

Lance let his mind trail back to just the other day. Keith and him were having a heated argument, and Keith had screamed, "You're so useless!" Lance had never shown any emotions to anyone. But when Keith said that - Lance started crying. He was on a breaking point. He was held together by a thread, ready to fall apart. Lance had smiled, but his face was dark with sadness. "I know." He had responded in a toneless voice.

He believed it himself.

Keith had looked equally shocked and guilty, because he had ran up to Lance, tugging at Lance's arm as he was getting ready to leave. "Lance... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it." Lance had turned to Keith, pain flashing in his deep blue eyes. "I understand, Keith." "No... Lance...." Keith had implored as Lance wrenched his arm away from Keith. "Leave me alone." Lance had said in irritation. Keith had stood there speechless, unsure of what to do. Lance walked away, back to his room.

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