Giggles & Car Rides

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A/N: The real chapter changes in the chapters are going to come more than likely in chapter 5 because the way I wrote chapter 6 was complete trash. For now, the only thing that I'm fixing is the grammatical errors and switching up any sentences that I feel need to be removed or changed.

Chapter 2 Giggles & Car Rides


After two hours of sitting on the hardwood floor, my butt was numb. When the bell rang for lunch, I felt my entire being let out a sigh of relief. "You guys getting lunch?" I asked Jas and Eli.

"Yeah, I'm getting lunch. Zariah texted me and told me that they have those mini cheeseburgers." Eli said as she gathered her stuff.

"What about you Jas?"

"Nah I'm not getting lunch. My mom cooked Jasmine rice and pork for dinner, so that's what I shall be eating. You wanna come with me to the activities office?"

"Yeah, I go. Call us when you get out of the cafeteria E. We should be at the usual table though."

"Alright see you guys." She calls out walking into the cafeteria.

I turn to Jasmine to see her staring at me, and I just know that she has something to say. "What happened?"

"Why haven't you told him? You know everyone can see the way you two act when together. Y'all look and act just like a couple, and it's like the both of you are stubborn." She remarked.

"You know why I haven't told him. First, when I discovered these feels he was with whats her face, I don't want to tell him just to become his rebound. Plus, you know that he's' currently...." I stop in the middle of my sentence when I spot the topic of conversation with his friends in the spot I'm assuming they picked for the year. Speak of the Devil. "Give me a second Jasmine. I just wanna say hi."

She chuckles " Oh please this is me you're talking to here. Just meet me in the activities office."

When she walks off, I walk in Enzo's direction, and when I reach him, I tap him on his shoulder. "Hey, best friend. How were your classes?"

Rolling his eyes, he starts laughing "If you must know, they were alright. I don't know why I decided to retake cooking this year. Oh, wait yes I do she who shall not be named made me do it because she was doing it." He glowered.

"Eh it's all good homie, it'll get better. By the way, what are you doing after school?" I ask with a huge smile on my face causing him to look at me suspiciously.

Cocking an eyebrow, he asks "I was going to pick up Chasity after school and hang out with her a little bit, why?"

Oh, he's hanging out with her today. As soon as those words left his mouth, I felt the smile slip from my face. I've known Chastity as long as I've known Jasmine, and she holds the title of my female best friend. They have been hanging out and texting since I introduced them when he facetimed me one night she spent the night at my house. You could almost feel the connection that they had when they first met. It got to the point where I left them alone and went to watch tv with my mom. Only when they had finished did she come and see where I went. I knew from that point on that I would definitely need to hide my feeling for Enzo.

Quickly replacing the smile on face, I answered "I was just going to ask if you could give me a ride to dance practice after school, but I mean I don't want you to drive in the opposite direction of her school and waster gas. We all know how expensive gas is. With what you pay for gas you could buy a whole planet two even." After my first sentence, I began to ramble and talk fast.

While waiting for Enzo finish his laughing fit, I checked out his outfit. That boy is looking mighty fine today dressed in a fitted grey t-shirt with matching joggers, and all white Huaraches. I wonder if he knows how good he looks today, I'm surely not about to tell him. His ego is big enough already.

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