Why won't you say it?

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Peter's POV
"I love you, Jubilee. I love you so much, more than anything," I whisper in her ear meaning every word.
"I know Peter. You tell me everyday, yet I'll never get tired of it," she sighs out a small smile of happiness on her face.
"Why haven't you said you love me?" I whisper too quietly to hear, but noticeable hurt across my face.
"What?" She says not hearing me.
"Why haven't you told me you love me?" I say louder looking into her eyes, searching for any sign of an answer. I hear her suck in a breath and her eyes dart everywhere.
"Well- I... I..." she starts to say but never finishes.
"Jubilee..." I whisper looking into her eyes hopefully, wanting to hear the words I say to her endlessly.
"Peter I don't.... I....." she starts again but never finishes.
"You never loved me?" I say backing away from her.
"That's not it..." she says reaching for me but I back away.
"Why can't you just say it than? Why can't you say it?" I ask hoping to get a answer right away. She never answer she just looks at the floor, and her eyes still darting everywhere. I walk out and hear her call out after me, but I decide to walk faster. Her footsteps trail me and I start to run, and hear her footsteps pick up. I run faster picking up speed and feel the wind in my hair. I run out onto the main lawn and am fueled by rage and sadness. Suddenly I feel a blaring pain in my chest causing me to stumble and fall. I look down to my chest to see blood everywhere my eyes go wide. In the distance I hear Jubilee's screams and cries and pray she's alright. My breathing turns into gasps by the time she gets over to me.
"PETER! PETER! Don't die, you can't die. Pleas stay with me, please. I can't lose you, Peter!" My eyes start to droop, and the pain is only getting worse. My vision starts to blur, and her screams continue.
"Peter, Peter I love you..." is all I hear before everything goes black.
(Two days later)
"Will he w-wake up?" I distantly hear, and try to work out the voice.
"He should, any minute now. I need to go but if anything happens you hit this button and I'll get here as soon as possible. Okay?" A male voice says to the feminine one that just spoke. I try to open my eyes and am greeted with bright lights that make me turn my head. I opened my eyes wearily and her a loud gasp and weight crashes into me making me grunt. Small hands cup my face, and it takes me a moment to register who is in front of me.
"I thought I lost you Peter Maximoff. Never do that me again. Promise me you'll never scare me like that again, that you'll always be here. I can't do that again..." Jubilee says breaking down into to tears and shaking.
"I promise darling. Don't cry, don't cry please," I say rubbing my hands up and down her back.
"I love you so much. I don't want  lose you Peter, I don't have much left. I obviously could manage without you, but I don't want to. Peter..." she says with a cracking voice, and tears starting to subside. I gasp realizing she told me she loved me, the very reason I ran out yesterday.
"You said you love me," I whisper and she smiles nodding and I grin.
"You should be out of her within three days as long as there isn't an infection. Okay?" She says getting up from her kneeling position to sit back ing her chair.
"What even happened?" I ask laying my head backing on my pillow.
"You got shot Peter. A mutant hater found us, got into the grounds and was aiming for Jean. But you were in front of her, so the bullet hit you, the guy didn't even see you. Charles is working on upgrading our security and all that stuff," she says taking my hand in hers and I nod realizing I saved Jean's life unintentionally.
"I'm glad we had that fight than, or else Jean could be dead."
"Yeah, but she's not and neither are you. With your healing process you'll be fine, we'll just have to clean it and bandage it everyday. Which isn't too hard, it didn't cause much damage either. So we're good!" She says smiling and I laugh at her personality in general. It's like her powers, unpredictable, bright, dangerous, and very amazing. We spend the rest of the day just talking and playing games. It's hard for me to sit still considering this feels like forever to me but I can handle it. I can handle anything with her.

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