Brain damage part 2

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Jubilee POV
(2 weeks after the Peter incident)
It's been 14 days 7 hours and 57 minutes since the last time Peter remembered me. I haven't slept more than 4 hours at a time, I always wake up screaming, and Jean by my side waking me up. Every single time I close my eyes I see Peter, in the hospital bed. He's come back to the mansion, to try to remember things. It's barely helping, and I have to keep telling Scott things about him so he stays alive. Like to make sure he eats, and exercises enough, or that Peter needs to eat things with high calorie counts or else he'll die. I'm livid at Jean, I won't even talk to her, unless she comes to wake me up from a nightmare. I keep asking her to give him his memory back, but she says it's not that easy because it could make him go crazy, if it all comes rushing back at once. No one talks to me anymore, but I don't blame them. I'm a mess, I don't sleep, I barely eat, my powers are out of control just like my emotions. Just the other day this guy was taunting me about how Peter looks so much happier than he did before he lost his memory, that guy is now in the hospital wing.
"Hey Jubilee, Charles wants to see you at the lake ASAP," a voice says cracking open my door. I'm sitting against the wall looking at me destroyed room, scorch marks all over the walls and blankets a mess. Peter walks in, and I gasp a bit. He hasn't really talked to me since my big show at the hospital that scared him half to death. "What happened in here?"
"My powers happened," I say looking at him as he touched one of the scorch marks.
"Why?" He asks looking at me with a perplexed expression.
"I'm a mess! I can't sleep, I don't eat often, I'm have nothing now! All I can do is think about the last five years and I can't handle it. Okay?" I say keeping my hands in fist so I don't ruin my room more.
"I'm sorry," he whispers sitting down next to me hanging his head in a Peter like way.
"It's not your fault, I just never imagined having to live without my Peter. You know?" I ask leaning my head back against the wall.
"I'm still Peter Maximoff, maybe I don't remember but I do feel something for you, I just don't know what yet. You know me better than I do, I'm still me," he says making me open my eyes.
"You look the same, you talk the same but you don't remember the cheesy nicknames or the inside jokes or the sleepless nights we spent watching cartoons. The countless dates and random surprises, the progress the, the fights the teasing and taunting and confessing. I wish I could show you, to give you back the last years of your life, but I can't and I'm sorry!" I say staring at his eyes.
"What was our first date?"he asks shyly but curiously.
"Well we had two first dates actually, it was pretty funny. The first first date was at the arcade and we just goofed around the whole time playing games and eating junk food. It was really fun and a good get to know you kinda time, you know? The second first date was more romantic, you took to this beach, had a picnic all laid out, food that you made and desserts that you bought. We went swimming too, and I made a firework show at the end. It was really sweet and romantic and made me realize that you were willing to actually slow things down for me," I say laughing.
"That sounds really... nice actually," he says smiling, "Tell me about other things we did."
"Well we slow dance together a lot. You love 70's music but you also like slow songs to dance to. The one time it was midnight and we were on the mansion roof talking and naming constellations and we started slow dancing for no reason. I almost fell off but you caught me, you always catch me when I need to. Oh another time we went in a triple date with Jean and Scott, and Kurt and Ororo. We went to see a horror movie right, and Kurt had never seen one so he was so scared. He ended up sitting with you because me and Ororo said we can handle horror movies without our boyfriends. Kurt was so scared, you didn't even see any of the movie because you tried to keep him calm. We all went to get milkshakes after, me and you shared one, cheesy I know. But it was so sweet that you tried to keep Kurt calm the whole time. In training between started dating there was a metal pole about to come down on me because I was preoccupied so I didn't see it, so you whisked me out of the way. Right after you ran by me and kissed me, than went up to your room and didn't say a word!" I say laughing clutching my stomach because most of those memories were funny. I look over at him and he has the biggest grin on his face. I'm still laughing to hard, that tears start to stream down my face.
"I remember the time you told me everything you love about me," he says quietly smiling.
"You remember that?" I ask breathily.
"Things are starting to come back. My little sister, my dad, you. It's in pieces but I get somethings sometimes. It helps when people explain it, oh god your supposed to be with Charles right now. You should get going," he says getting up, and offering me a hand. I take it, and grab my jacket walking to the door.
"Walk with me?" I ask turning back at him as he looks at all my pictures on my wall. Mostly of me and him together at random places and random times.
"How about I run you there Firecracker?" He asks smiling back at me 5 seconds later. I open mouth but nothing comes out, I nod and he walks over and picks me up. Suddenly we are at the lake, Charles looking impatient as ever.
"You're late you two!" He says in that high end British accent.
"Sorry professor, we just were talking about old times, Peter asked some questions that I needed to answer," I say sitting down on the grass.
"Oh well of course, we should start what I've got planned. It may take a long time but it's worth it," he says gesturing for Peter to sit down next to me.
"So why are we here professor?" Peter asks sitting down, and I notice he is vibrating like always.
"Oh right I forgot to tell you! I think I have a way to make Peter remember everything he had forgotten!" Charles says clapping his hands and I gasp in shock, Peter looks up in surprise from picking at the grass.
"R-really?" I ask my voice cracking a bit.
"It may take a long time each day. But I do believe we could fully restore his memory if we get everyone who knew him well, to take place in the memory transfer. With how fast his brain works, it should only take a few hours to move all of your memories with him into his memory. Are you willing?" Charles asks looking at me hopefully.
"Of course!" I yell looking over at Peter.
"Sounds likes good plan, I'll jut need to get up and stretch every once in awhile.
(Time skip one week)
The memory transfer worked, Peter remembers everything. I haven't had a chance to really talk to him though, because he has been trying a lot and going to visit his mom. I head down to the study room as Jean asked me to do. When I get there I find Peter and Jean standing there talking, I walk over and Peter smiles at me.
"Oh yes your finally here!" She yells clapping her hands.
"Yeah, but I can't stay long, I have training in like 10 minutes. So let's make this quick," I say tapping my fingers against my thighs.
"Actually you don't have training," Jean says smiling.
"I'm yes I do, my schedule was slipped under my door this morning cause it's Monday," I say looking confused.
"No you don't. You and Peter are going to go out and I'm gonna make it look like your there. It's my present to you!" She says smiling widely. I look at her confused and she sighs and rolls her eyes. "It's your birthday Jubilee!"
"It is?" I ask checking my phone to look at the date, and yes it is my birthday.
"Yup, and I'm taking you out of this prison to celebrate!" Peter says picking me up, I laugh and smile loving the familiar feeling of his strong arms.
"When we get back I have to patch up my walls and clean my room!" I say leaning my head against his chest.
"I'll clean up your room for you. It shouldn't take me that long!" Jean says jumping up and down.
"I really owe you one Jean!" I say as Peter shifts his arms so it's easier to carry me.
"Bye!" I yell as Peter runs away, carrying me to wherever he desires. We arrive about a minute later.
"Do you know where we are?" He asks setting me down as happy tears fill my eyes.
"This is where we had our second first date!" I say putting a hand over my mouth and look around at the beauty of it all.
"Yeah, I tried to set it up exactly how I remembered it. Is it okay?" He asks shyly as if he was sacred I would be unimpressed. I laugh and throw my arms around his neck crying happily into his neck.
"It's perfect Roadrunner. Just like you!" I say not moving from my current position. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me up so he can carry me into the waves. We spend the next four hours talking, eating, playing, and just reminiscing about old times. We go back to our blanket soaking wet, he was prepared with a bathing suit, I wasn't so my clothes are just soaked. He lays back, and it makes the sun shine on his abs and I need to look away. I lean back so I'm face to face with him laying next to him.
"I had a lot of fun today Firecracker!" He says smiling at me and he looks so happy.
"I had a ton of fun too!" I say laughing and tucking a loose hair behind my ear. He runs his hands through his hair and bites his lip, oh god I could just die in the spot.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks looking at my eyes intensely.
"Of course!" I say searching his eyes for any hints. He starts tapping his fingers anxiously and sits up. I sit up too so I'm looking at him dead in and wait for an answer.
"I think I'm falling in love with you again," he whispers looking at my eyes and grabbing my hand. My breath leaves my lungs and it's like the world stops because it knows I've been dreaming of this moment.
"I've always loved you Peter," I say looking down at his perfect pink lips. Instead of answering he kisses me and I totally melt. All I feel is pure ecstasy and blissfulness. It's slow and passionate but full of need and longing. We break away, and gasp for air remembering what oxygen is. But see the thing is the kiss was like he was drowning, and I was oxygen.
"I've been wanting to do that for the past two days," he breathes leaning his forehead against mine.
"I'm glad you did it," I say laughing and bringing my hand up to his hair, but let's out breathy sigh and his elbows give out making him fall back on his back. I lay my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.
"I love you Jubilee," he says looking up at the darkening sky.
"I love you too," I say listening to his heartbeat. A few minutes later we pack up everything and he runs us back to mansion. We head up to my room and fine Jean in it waiting in my bed, and my room looks spotless. "Jean this looks amazing!"
"It's amazing what telekinesis can achieve," she says laughing and getting up, and heading out to her room.
"Why don't I go get a shower back to my room and meet me in there when you are done showering. Okay?" Peter asks walking over to my door. I nod and run into the bathroom as fast as I can so I can be done as fast as possible. I rush through my shower and pick my cutest pair of pajamas. I brush and dry my hair as fast as possible, and run out of the room, only to run back in to look in the mirror one more time. I run back out into the hallway knock on Peter's door, and he opens his door in just a pair of sweatpants and messy hair.
"H-hi," I say unsteady staring at his abs and hair and I need to look away but I can't.
"Nice to know I can still make you stutter sometimes," he says laughing and letting me inside. He walks over to his bed as I shut his door and sits down grinning. "You look good."
"T-thanks," I say sitting down next to him. He puts a string arm around my shoulders and I lean into to him closing my eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asks leaning back taking me with him.
"I missed you so much," I whisper my voice cracking a bit. He wraps his other arm around me, and I tuck my head in the crook of his neck.
"I missed you too Firecracker," he says kissing the top of my head.
"I can't sleep without you there you know. I'm so exhausted from losing weeks of sleep. You can't ever do that to me again, don't run through brick walls without phasing. It's not safe," I say into his neck.
"Sleep babe. You need it, we can cuddle and talk more later, and you look adorable when you sleep," he says rubbing my back softly.
"You're the best boyfriend a girl could ever want. I love you so much," I say my eyes falling closed.

Peter Maximoff and Jubilee (x men)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant