Romantic Healing

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Jubilee POV

Today is the day I finally clean my room. I put my hair up in a ponytail, put on shorts and a tank top. I never wear such revealing clothes because I have scars on my arms and thighs. But no one is walking in here to see so I'm fine. I turn up my radio so I can't hear anything and start cleaning. I start singing along and putting things away while dancing. I turn around and see Peter standing there looking at me in shock. I don't understand why, he's seen me sing and dance before. I look down and remember that you can see all my scars from cutting and I freeze.
"I-I can explain!" I say as he just stares at my thighs and my arms, and my shoulders. I turn to grab a blanket to cover them and feel him stare at my back. Before I can pull the blanket around me he is behind me, hugging me and rubbing his arms over mine.
"I didn't know babe," he says tucking his head in my neck, one of the only places on my upper body that isn't cut.
"No one does," I say my voice cracking.
"Why?" He asks running his hands over me.
"When I was still living on the streets I thought my parents threw me away, like garbage. I wasn't pretty as a kid, and I had no friends. I was just talented in gymnastics, but it put a lot of pressure on me. So I started cutting after awhile, when things became too much. One thing led to another and almost every place that I could, I cut. When I found out my parents died, and they did love me, I stopped. I think about starting again but I'd have no where to cut..." I say not turning to look at him. In a second I'm laying on my bed and Peter is on top of me in a plank position. He shifts so he is straddling me instead, he takes my arm and starts pressing soft kisses to each cut on there.
"What are you doing?" I ask starting to cry because I'm so embarrassed.
"You're beautiful. You're kind. You're intoxicatingly ravishing. You make me want to do things that I shouldn't. You make the world so much brighter. I love you. Every part of you. Battle scars and all, I love you," he says with each kiss.
"Are you going to kiss all my cuts?" I say sobbing at this point.
"Well of course. I'm going to kiss the pain away," He says smiling.
"It would be f-faster if you used your super speed instead," I say shakily.
"You are worth all the time in the world my love!" He says already halfway up my next arm. He finishes my arms and moves onto my shoulders pushing my straps out of way and then putting them back when needed.
"May I?" He asks once he gets to my thighs. It's only my mid thigh but he still asks. How nice, I nod and he does those cuts. "Anywhere else?"
"My s-stomach," I say pulling up my tank top to where the cuts start. He kisses all of them, and by the time he is done he must have kissed me a hundred times.
"I love you," he says before kissing my lips. I wrap my arms around his next and pull him closer to me. He puts his arms next to my head to support himself. "Tell me when to stop," he says in the cutest way possible. He starts kissing my neck, and I try to not squirm at the odd feeling, he's never done this. I pull his lips back to mine by his hair because I love his hair. I gently bite his lower lip and than hear the dinner bell.
"God damn it!" I yell as he gets up. He smirks at me with the most mischievous smirk he can give and just want to attack him.
"To be continued?" He asks.
"Obviously!" I say. He walks out and I just lay there for a minute. I never showed Peter my cuts for fear that he wouldn't accept it. Maybe since he did the others will. I decide to not change and head down to dinner. I sit in my usual seat next to Peter and Kurt and start putting on my plate. "What?" I ask as people are staring at me.
"I love your top Jubilee!" Jean says between bites of broccoli.
"Thanks!" I say. Maybe everything will be alright.

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