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Jubilee POV (my friend wrote most of this not me)

I'm awoken from my dream world to the sound of whimpering in the room next to mine. The sound is followed by a small yelp, and a rustling of covers. Peter. Is he in danger? What's going on over there?! I swing out of my bed as I hear him scream. I prep myself for an attack as I walk into his room, fully prepared to kill anyone who is hurting MY Peter. What I find is much more surprising. There's no one else in the room, but a sweaty and still asleep Peter. He starts to whimper again, and I feel a pang in my chest. I put out any sparks that ignited on my finger tips and make my way over to his bed.
"Peter?" I whisper hoping it will wake him up, but he just keeps tossing and turning. "Peter," I say a little bit louder. All I'm met with is more whimpering and more tossing. "Peter!" I shout, and he jolts upright so fast I don't even know he has until he's sitting. "Peter you were having a nightmare."
"Yeah I'm aware," he snorts back in response obviously trying to cover up how scared his is.
"Don't lie to me Roadrunner." I say to him.
"Wouldn't dream of it Firecracker." He stands up and starts 'pacing' around the room, however I can only tell because of the constant wind blowing my hair.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong?" I say internally begging he will answer.
"What's wrong you see something wrong here?" He asks nervously.
"Peter, please. I just want to know if you're okay." He stops is pacing and is now standing in front of me. He looks at my face and can tell I am serious. His eyes silver blue and scared.He stoops a bit and gives me a tight hug.
"Promise me you'll never leave me?" He says.
"I promise." I say hugging him tighter with reassurance. "I'd never leave you Peter, never!"
"Jubilee, I can't lose you okay? I just can't, you mean too much to me. In my dream someone took you and sent a letter saying if I didn't come they'd kill you. I went there to save you but you were tied up and they set out a trap for me. They made me sit there as they hurt you Jubilee. They made me watch, I couldn't move.." he says chocking back tears.
"Shhh Peter it's okay, I'm right here I'm okay. I'm in your arms, and if anyone tries to take me I'll kill them because I don't want to leave you. Okay?" I reply. He just nods hugging me tighter.
"Why don't we sit down on your bed okay. And I'll even stay in here tonight if it makes you feel better. I'll sleep on the floor and you can check on me whenever you want," I say leading him over to the bed.
"No you can sleep on the bed, my mom taught me manners. We can both fit, if that's okay with you of course. If not I'll bunk on the floor," he says nervously still shaking more than usual. I smile and sit on the bed patting the spot next to me. He grins and comes over to sit next to me. I wrap my arms around him and lean back so we are both laying. His breathing stalls as I lay my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat, and I realize it's going fast because his whole body is like that. It's odd but comfortable and steady. His breathing slows down and he relaxes and I feel all the tension leave his body.
"Goodnight Roadrunner, sleep well, I'll be right here I promise," I say to him sleepily. "Goodnight Firecracker," he says just as sleepily.

Peter Maximoff and Jubilee (x men)Where stories live. Discover now