Accidents happen

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One shot Jubilee POV

Training. Ugh, I hate training, I know my powers are lame but we don't have to showcase that. I'm training with Peter today, which isn't too bad. He's cute and makes a nice breeze, he's funny too, cute, really nice, and did I mention cute! We have to work as a team, so they turned the lights off so we have to use my powers for light, and he's running so he has to see where he's going. I keep firing, firework after firework. It's kinda nice since I don't use my powers often anymore. I hear him running, smell his cologne, hear the wind. SMACK! Suddenly I'm on the ground, and there's a sharp pain in my ankle and head. Peter must've ran into me. That's my fault though. I guess my light show slowed. Leave it to me to get us hurt. I feel something on top of me and I realize it's Peter. I'm breathing heavily and my head is pounding. I fire one last firework to see his face and his face is so close to mine. I realize he's talking but I can't hear him. Everything start to go fuzzy. And suddenly black.
(Time skip three hours)
Gods my head hurts. And everything is so bright. I'm the med bay I guess. I must've blacked out. Gods I'm useless, I look around and see Charles, Jean, and Peter. I smile when I see him, he looks worried. Charles notices me first. "How are you feeling?" He asks.
"A little groggy but fine. Have a massive headache but it'll fade," I reply. Peter looks at me tears in his eyes, is he crying? No Peter doesn't cry, does he? "Charles why don't we give Jubilee and Peter a moment," Jean says. I nod gratefully, and try sit up, success! Then, I turn towards Peter, and he just stares at me.
" I'm sorry Firecracker," he said.
"It's fine Road Runner, I'm fine. Right?" I ask. "Yeah I guess you are," he replies. I tell him to go back to training, I just want to nap. After he leaves I lay back down, and drift off to sleep.
(Time skip three and half days)
"PETER MAXIMOFF OPEN YOUR FREAKIN DOOR AND TALK TO ME OR I'LL BLOW IT UP!" I yell. He's been avoiding me for 3 days 12 hours and 52 minutes. "WHAT!" He shouts as he opens the door but looks taken aback when he sees me and immediately opens the door the rest of the way to let me in. He sits on the bed, he's vibrating, must be because he isn't moving. I sit next to him, and he immediately gets up. "What's up with you Road Runner you've been avoiding me. I don't appreciate it, we used to be best friends, do you not like me anymore?" I ask full of concern. "No Jubilee, I like you more than you can imagine, more than I should. I just... I hurt you Jubilee, I could've killed you. Or made you hurt so badly you couldn't walk, or talk, or breathe. I can't take that chance Jubilee. I get out of control, I can't ever sit still, I vibrate for gods sake. I can't hurt you Firecracker. I just can't," he says with anguish. I just smile. He won't look me but I can't help it but smile. All of this because he's worried about me. "Peter look at me," I say while getting up to walk over to him. I stand right in front of him, so close I smell the twinkies he ate earlier. I look up at him and make him look at me. I smile and he just stands there breathing unsteady. " Peter, oh Peter, I don't care if you hurt me once in awhile, I don't care if you move all the time. I don't care that you ran me over, because it's my fault. I didn't give you enough light. It's my fault I got hurt not yours. I'll never let you stay away from me. Ever! You understand me?" I say.
" Yes Firecracker, I do, i just don't want to hurt you. I like you too much to see you get hurt," he breathes out while taking my hand.
"Don't worry bout me, I can't hold my own when needed" I reply in a whisper. I look up at his eyes. His beautiful eyes. I can see he's making a decision looking at me, I wonder what he's thinking. Then suddenly he kisses me before I see him move. The little troublemaker. But I like it, I feel like I'm melting. I close my eyes. Suddenly it's over, and I don't know what to do.
"Is that your way of asking me out Peter?" I ask.
"I guess it is Firecracker," he says grinning. Instead of replying I just hug him, enjoying him.
" I guess that's a yes?" He asks. I just nod, unable to speak, thinking of how to tell the girls. Gods this is good gossip for them. But I'm too happy to think about it.

Peter Maximoff and Jubilee (x men)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin