Thanks for the memories

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My wedding day, I'd never thought I'd marry someone so perfect like Jubilee. She was everything I wanted in a woman. Funny, smart, cool, and just an all around great person. She was currently dancing with Erik. Since her father had died a while ago we thought she could do the father daughter dance with her father-in-law.
'It's not time to make a change. Just relax, take it easy. '
I think back to all the time we had spent together as I get lost in the song. Erik and Jubilee would always come to hang out with me on the boring days. When there were no missions, no world crises, just all the normal days.
'You're still young, that's your fault. There's so much you have to go through'
I remember all the times when I would get into an argument with Jubilee and Erik would always be there to give me advice. Or how Jubilee helped me break the whole Erik, you are my father, news to him.
'Find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry. Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.'
I look at the beautiful woman I can now call my wife, and I feel a smile gracing me face. Erik always wanted us to end up together. He wants the best for me, and there's no one better for me than she is.
'I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy to be calm when you've found something going on. But take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got. For you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not. '
I remember the rage I felt when I found out what happened to Erik as a child. I wanted to run after everyone who'd ever hurt him at all and kill them. But Erik and Jubilee stopped me, they knew I'd never be able to live with myself if I killed someone. And they were right, as always. When Alex died I felt like it was all my fault, but Scott convinced me that it wasn't. Although he was upset that his brother was dead, he knew I couldn't have saved him.
'How can I try to explain? Cause when I do he turns away again'
"I don't want your help! I never needed a father before! And I don't need you now, Erik!"
"Peter, please-"
"Don't even start it with me Magneto. You never cared before. Why should you now?"
It's always been the same, same old story. Of from the moment I could talk, I was ordered to listen.
"Why were you born! Why?!" My mother slurred to a ten year old me. "I didn't ask for this!" I knew she had been drinking again, but tears still welled up in my eyes.
"Mom please!" I shouted starting to cry.
"Why are you crying! Huh?! He left me with you! Not the other way around! Now shut up and go to your room!" I ran away as fast as I could without using my superspeed. I knew that would just make her angrier. "AND DON'T COME OUT UNTIL I TELL YOU TO BRATT!" I remember falling into my bed in tears, wishing that anybody, yes anybody, would take me away from her.
"Where are you Dad? Was I not good enough for you."
Now there's a way, and I know that I have to go away. I know I have to go.
I remember the day I left my mom's. When I finally left that hellhole. She stopped drinking as I got older, and as much as she always told me she loved me I could never forget. When I left I left it all behind. I didn't want it any more so why should I have to live with it on my heart forever? I feel tears start to roll down my face. Jubilee and Erik stop dancing and walk over to me. They grab each of my hands. Erik gives me a soft kiss of the head, and Jubilee gives me a form kiss on the lips.
"You have your own life now, Peter. You are my son, and I love you so much. And I know Jubilee loves you just as much if not more," Erik mutters into my hair.
"Come on Mr. Maximoff, why don't we go dance?" Jubilee says with a smile. I can't help but smile back as she leads me to the floor. A slow song starts, and I pull her close to me. "I love you Peter. I love you so, so much."
"I love you too," I say kissing her softly. "Mrs. Maximoff, your mine forever, and I'm yours, always," I say holding her close. I think back to 47 minutes ago, when we said our vows. I pulled mine from Nightmare Before Christmas, and Jubilee got hers from The Corpse Bride. We used our favorite Tim Burton movies, because the live stores are pretty good. Her vows were " With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. Forever and always." I may have cried a bit. "Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it. I may not be able to see the spiritual connection between us, but I know it's there. My dearest friend, if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars. And sit together now and forever. For it's plain and simple anyone can see, we're simply meant to be. I can conquer the whole world with one hand behind my back, as long as the other one is holding yours," I said to her, smiling when she started tearing up. This is the best day of my life coming out of my flashback.

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