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"PETER!" Logan shouts storming out of his room. His hair now pink, and I can't help but laugh. "You are dead meat, bub!" He shouts running at me. I quickly take off, knowing full well he can't catch me. I notice a little shimmer of something outside that catches my attention. Metal dude is back! I think, and loose track of where I'm going. Next thing I'm half a step away from ramming into a wall at the speed of sound. AHHH! I quickly phase through it, but stop quickly and slide into someone. We both fall on the floor, my weight and force of running crushing them beneath me.
"PETER WHAT THE HECK!" Jubilee shouts from under me. Oh crap, um play it cool. I hesitate, well by hesitate I mean by like .1 seconds. She probably didn't notice right?
"Looks like I really fell for you Firecracker." I respond smirking at her. She starts blushing even more (which didn't seem possible, but she did!)
"C-can you get off me?" Stuttering? That's not very like her! My lips are so close to her, I'm tempted to just kiss her. No you weirdo! That's so creepy! But it'd be so easy.... NO! I decide to ignore my better judgement, and I gently brush my lips against hers. I hop off her and shoot off before she has a chance to respond, but behind me I hear a not so faint PETER! Oh crap now I have to run from 2 people, I'm dead for sure when I stop. I run outside to the lawn and hear Jubilee and Logan chasing after me, Jubilee in the lead. I'm really not going that fast, only fast enough so they can't catch me but they can see me. I run onto the lake on top of the water to show off and Jubilee fires on the lake. Crap if that hits he, the fireworks in water, I'm dead. I speed to the other side and collapse from fear and surprise. I didn't think she would do that, she sprints around the lake rather quickly with Logan. She throws a Twinkie at me obviously seeing that I need it, jogging over to me looking tired. Logan follows behind getting his razors out and charging at me, I quickly climb the tree I was leaning on.
"Logan don't kill him!" Jubilee shouts pouting at him leaning against the tree in in.
"But he... Jubilee you can't tell me what to... ugh!" He says storming away hitting a tree, the tree now has a dent in it.
"Come down here Roadrunner right now!" She yells at me. I jumping down next to here and she slaps me.
"Ow! What was that for?" I say bringing my hand up to my cheek.
"You ran into me through a wall! And you kissed me, then ran away. I had full right to slap you," she says as if it's perfectly normal. I just look at her, because what she said made no sense.
"I phased through a wall because Logan was trying to kill me, I kissed you because I like you a lot and I ran because I value my life," I say sitting down against the tree.
"Oh. I like you too," she says sitting next me. I smile and go to hole her hand, she lets me.
"Date. Thursday. 6:15pm?" I ask looking at the lake.
"Sure," she says casually. I smile.

Peter Maximoff and Jubilee (x men)Where stories live. Discover now