Chapter 18

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Perrie never wanted to disappear more than she did the moment a gasp left Jade's lips.

She saw the pillow. Perrie thought. Now she must think I was trying to steal it! She probably thinks that I'm a creep or something! She panicked.

"Guys!" Jade exclaimed. "Look!"

Look? Perrie wondered. Maybe she wants us to see the pillow before shunning us? Nonetheless, the blonde still slumped over towards the brunette along with the two other girls.

Perrie kept her head down, not wanting to see Jade's face in fear that the brunette would glare at her.

Leigh-Anne and Jesy both made their ways towards the two and situated themselves to the right of Perrie. The blonde was expecting a lecture, or something like the sort, but instead she heard the two other teens gasp just as Jade had.


Perrie raised her head just to look out the window, and her mouth dropped at what she saw.

A thin blanket of white covered the entire alley. Millions of white specks filled the air as the wind threw them around. The blonde looked down at the fire escape and let put a relived breath when she saw that the pillow had blended in with the rest of the white snow. You could only really see it if you stared at it, and Perrie doubted that Jade would do that.

"It's snowing," Leigh-Anne stated obviously.

"No shit, Sherlock," Jesy rolled her eyes and smacked the curly haired girls arm lightly. Leigh-Anne only rolled her eyes.

The four stood there by the window, not saying anything. Just enjoying the calming scenery.

The silence was broken Jade, who had let out a huge sneeze, startling the three other girls. The force of the sneeze was enough to knock the glasses off of the brunettes face. There was a few seconds of silence, consisting of the petite girl rubbing her nose and the other three girls staring at her with wide eyes. Perrie soon found herself giggling. That was the manliest sneeze she has ever heard and she didn't expect it to come out from someone as small as Jade.

"Bless you?" Leigh-Anne said, it coming out more like a question, and a smile playing on her lips.

"Erm, thanks," Jade blushed, reaching down to pick up her spectacles.

"You sneeze like a man," Jesy stated bluntly, cause Perrie and Leigh to burst out in hearty laughs.

The brunette groaned playfully. "Shuddap," She teased, shutting the window. "'S getting cold in here."

"Didn't you just say it was getting hot?" Leigh-Anne asked, smirking.

Jade shrugged. "Maybe."

The three moved back to the bed. Plopping down in their unofficial spots, all the while still chuckling and making snide comments about the sneeze.


An hour had passed and the girls had finished all their work and were chatting amongst themselves.

"And then I found out that America has gaps in their toilet stalls!" Jesy exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

The three other girls gasped with wide eyes.

"How do they go during school?" Leigh-Anne asked almost timidly. "Couldn't anyone just... See them?"

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