
"The lady you're shooting daggers through with your eyes. You look like you've seen your worst enemy."

Taking his eyes off her for the first time, he looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, I know her. Although I wish I didn't."

"Why'd you say that? What's the deal between the two of you?" Yes, I know I'm being annoying, but I need answers as to how he's tied to a person like her."

"That's a story for another time. Let's go before she comes over here." He tried to hold my hand but I pulled away, folding my arms across my chest. "Not now Mel. We're not doing this here."

"Yes we are. You caused a scene when you decided to be all dramatic, stopping in the center of the sidewalk to communicate with the trick with your eyes. How do you know her?"

"How do you know her?" He flipped the script on me, but I didn't have a single thing to hide.

"We were best friends until she betrayed me and I've hated her ever since." I kept it short and simple. If he can't tell me his deal with her then neither will I. Stealing a last glance at her, she was already watching us with her signature side smirk. Feeling the childishness sneak up on me, I politely waved and when she returned the favor I flipped my middle finger at her. Her face turned into a frown and she put her focus on the people who crowded her stand.

"That was very immature of you to do Mel." The liar voiced his unwanted opinion.

"Oh, now you're defending her too." I shook my head and turned away from him. "Just keep digging yourself a hole. It seems that's what you specialize in."

He didn't say anything else, just followed me like a lost puppy. All I ask for is honesty from the guy but from his actions, I'm assuming that I ask for too much. For the rest of our time at the festival, our conversation was kept to a minimal and forced on his end. By the end of the event, I'd eaten from over thirty food stands and had one too many drinks to wash them down with. To everyone else, I probably look about four months pregnant and gosh did I feel like it. I dreaded the walk back to the car, seeing as we were a good six blocks away from it.

"Leave me here tonight. I won't be able to make it." I groaned, sitting on a random bench nearby.

"Are you really that full?" Raine asked. I nodded and he gave me a face that says he didn't believe me.

"Stop staring at me and go get the car." I shooed him away.

"You gone stop talking to me like you crazy." He mumbled, leaving me here to do as I said. Slouching down, I rubbed my stomach, hoping for any relief from this misery. It's seconds from splitting open and everything I'd eaten would be on the ground.

"I remember when I was pregnant I would rub my belly to get my daughter to stop kicking. How far along are you?" This random girl asked, standing in front of me with a heartwarming smile.

Embarrassed by the fact she thinks I'm pregnant, I hesitated to answer. "Well, you see, I'm not pregnant. I went a little overboard at the festival today and this is the outcome unfortunately."

She grasped, covering her mouth. "Oh, I am so sorry. This is what I get for assuming before asking. Please forgive my foolishness."

"No, you're fine. I do look with child, huh? Anybody's first thought would be pregnant."

"The food was good here. I'm sure I'd look like that if I didn't have to work the stand."

"Which stand were you in because I sampled everything and didn't see you?" Which is true. There were only three stands I didn't get a chance to try and that's only because I couldn't intake anything else. I could barely take in oxygen at the moment.

"Bailey's Breakfast, Brunch and Barbeque."

No wonder I haven't see her. I refused to give my service to that witch. "Oh, I didn't stop over there. My stomach wouldn't let me." I joked to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, well I should get going. Its been a long stressful day being around my bitch of a boss." She rolled her eyes in pure annoyance. Does anybody like that girl? 

"Welcome to the club girl." I said as she took a seat next to me. "She's hated by quite a few people, so I've heard."

"Tell me about it. None of my coworkers like her. All she does is nag about the smallest of things and talks about this guy she used to date years ago." She rambled on carelessly, telling Bailey's personal business and I didn't attempt to stop her. "That's the only reason we flew out here. She didn't care about this festival and gaining new customers. She's on a mission to get this guy--who doesn't want her-to take her back. I've seen the hundreds of texts and calls she sends him and he shuts her down every single time. But she keeps trying. It's really pitiful. I overheard her telling another worker that she had something huge planned for him and this woman he's curving her for. I just hope she knows what kind of game she's playing because everyone isn't built the same. This other woman could be a psychopath and really hurt her, but Bailey doesn't back down from a challenge ever. Well, I have to head back to the hotel. It was nice talking to you..."

"Melrose." I answered.

"Nice to meet you Melrose. I'm Jayna, Jay for short." She held out her hand and I shook it out of respect. "See you around Melrose."

I nodded and she got up and walked off. I remained seated with wide eyes, trying to process what just happened. Jayna spilled her boss' personal business to a complete stranger who happens to have a personal vendetta with her. She most definitely can't be a friend or associate of mines. She's just like Bailey with the loose lips and doesn't even know it. I stood up when Raine's car pulled up and looked down the street to see Jayna laughing in Bailey's face like she wasn't just telling me her dirt. Shaking my head, I chuckled and walked over to the car. "People these days."

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