Episode 8: Learning Isn't Always What You Think

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   This was supposed to be the relaxing part, you know where everyone sits in a circle drinking tea and singing "kumbaya". Don't mean to disappoint but shit hit the fan so fast I don't think anyone could relax. Especially since we're all in the holding cell purposely not talking to each other. On a side note, I'm not purple anymore, yay.

   "I can't believe this. Are all of you insane? Or just the people related to Jupiter?" Oz finally broke the crippling silence, while glaring at Strange and I. Though now I wish he'd have just stayed quiet.

   Benji stood up sighing to place himself infront of me and Strange, always a sweetheart Benji. "Easy Oz. That's not very fair. This could've happened to anyone. Even you." He said in a calming voice fixing his glasses and scratching his head making his hair messier.

   Oz scoffed at that. "Oh please. Those two are trouble. Should've known. I mean come on a none believer at Doure are you kidding me? And then of course the crazy, I-have-all-the-answers, wacho." He laughed to himself while I ignored him examining my fingers cause I think I got a blister.

   You're probably very confused by now. I totally understand. So let me take you to the beginning of today.

   So it started at Black Cat. A cat cafe where the workers dress as cats and actual cats roam around. Oz and Benji were already there so Strange was going to get me from my dorm room. B-T-Dubs, its not fun to be woken up by having a person pounce on you. Even if they're as tiny as Strange. Off topic, sorry.

   So after Strange broke my back and bibbidi bobbidi boos me out of my purple skin, I think she just threw dust at me and it had like some chemical reaction that caused the purple to fade off when I got out of the shower, but I digress, we arived at Black Cat. Benji and cats are the cutest thing! They just all want to be held by him. When we walked through the door my eyes instantly found Benji. He was laughing so hard it looked like tears were falling. He was sitting on a bean bag covered with cats climbing all over him. One was on his sholder knocking his blue and grey striped beanie off his head to reveal a mess of red curls. The sight made my heart thud a little harder.

   Of course that's when Strange wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Cute huh?" She whispered smirking at me. Again with the cat ate the canary look.

   "I don't know what your talking about, Strange." I said walking a head pretending to try and find Oz. I can still hear Strange laughing at me, such a brat. I actually ended up finding him. In the back looking uncomfortable anytime a cat came near him. Which I found just so funny. Walking over to him I leaned on the wall. "You know, cats can feel when your uncomfortable. And they're bastards about it too cause they like pushing buttons."

   Oz laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I don't like cats. One I'm allergic, they make me sneeze and puffy. And two, I'm more of a dog person. We came here cause Creep works here on weekends volunteering and he left his notebook for Ms Lightmens class."

   Aaaand insert Strange. "Which is funny because You have that class too, huh Jupiter." What is this Strange? Matchmaker day, jeez.

   I had to think about that cause I actually don't know. "If I said I don't know is that a bad thing? Cause like I don't know if you noticed guys, but, this whole time I've been trying to get kicked out."

   "What?" A very soft voice spoke up behind Strange. The minute I saw those baby blues, regret sucker punched me in the stomach. Benji never knew.

   "Benji-" Before I could finish he was turning and walking out the door. Damnit, way to go Jupiter. Wait why is this even this big of a deal. I mean... Besides the fact that I'm not gonna see these guys anymore when I leave. Ow, chest pain. Shut up, I'm a strong boy. I'm just, you know, running too hard or something. It has nothing what so ever to do with feelings. I don't have those.

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