9: He's Gone Now

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Urahara was being convicted of crime for hollowfying shinigamis and so escaped soul society.

Yoruichi sneaked back into soul society ...

Niko: who's that?

Yoruichi appeared " not bad. Getting better. "

Niko: taichou.

Yoruichi: you can even be a taichou given your skills now.

Niko: I have no intention. Plus... Taichou has more intention to leave the squad to Soi Fon. Isn't it?

Yoruichi: yaa... You make me feel bad.

Niko: it's ok. Being a taichou is troublesome.

Yoruichi: this is a letter from kisuke. He's really sorry he couldn't bring you along. We didn't have enough time. We didn't want implicate you either.

Gomen. Niko. We didn't have enough time to bring you along. I love you. But I don't want you to implicated by this matter. So I'm breaking up with you.

Niko: that's it?

Yoruichi: ah...

Niko: so selfish... But I don't care... I don't mind going with you guys. Taichou. Let me go with you.

Yoruichi: we care. We also need you to help us to pretend you couldn't find where we stayed.

Niko: I see... That's why...

Yoruichi: I know it's mean. But... We only trust you. And... That's why...

Niko: I see... I see...

Yoruichi hugs her " gomen . I know I use you too much without thinking of your feelings."

Niko: .... Heh...

Toshiro: Niko!!! Be careful!!!

You heard him. You turned to the voice's direction... You got hit by a wave of ice. He went to your side " Niko!! Daijobu?"

" Oh... Erm... It doesn't hurt." You replied with empty eyes. Your heart more than anything now. The rest of the pain... You couldn't feel it anymore...

He carried you on his back " I'll get you some help. " You pushed him off your back " I don't need help!!!" You yelled.

Toshiro: Niko...

Niko: I don't need... Don't need... You to make decisions for me... It doesn't hurt. Doesn't hurt...

He squats down to your side " Niko... "

Niko: why are you here?

Toshiro: practicing my skills.

Niko: oh... Oh... Right... We used to come here to spar... Before I went for my mission. Before I saw you with hinamori. Before I missed the chance to tell you I love you.

" She loves me... " He thought. " Is she too sad about hearing the news about kisuke that she... She broke? "

Toshiro: Niko. I'm here. You can tell me anything.

Niko: you sure? What if hinamori gets jealous?

Toshiro: she won't.

She won't...

Those words somehow rang in your head and...

1) you pulled his collar down and kissed him

2) " liar. "

1) you pulled his collar down and kissed him

You let go of his collar " ale. You're blushing. Hitsugaya likes me? That can't be. " You stood up and headed off in an unknown direction.

Toshiro: where are you going?!!

Niko: don't know. Find something... To make me better...

Toshiro : what's that?

You stopped in your steps " don't know... " You turned around " hitsugaya know? " Tears started to flow down your cheeks " I don't know... I don't know!! " You covered your face in frustration " don't know..."

Toshiro went over " it's ok. It's ok. I'm here. "

Niko: that's when urahara said... When I cried. He said he would be there...

" Gomen. I can't bring him here. But I can be for you now. " He strokes your hair and hugged you.


2) " liar. "

Niko: liar... Liar !! Liar!! LIAR!! YOU AND HIM ARE ALL LIARS!!

toshiro: Niko...

Niko: gomen... He said... He said he'll replace you... But he's gone now... He said I'll just have to think of him and look at him... Then... Then he's gone now!!

You cried harder and you started to hyperventilate. Toshiro flash stepped to your side and helped you to soothe your breath by stroking your back.

Niko: he... He won't be back... Anymore... Right? Hitsugaya...

Toshiro: Niko... I... I don't think so.

You cried harder and he hugged you. You clenched onto his clothes as you continue your cries.

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