I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2

Start from the beginning

Harry hummed contently and snuggled his face into Louis' neck , pressing a warm kiss to his skin . He then turned his face to the side and took a hold of Louis' wrist , bringing his sleeve up to press kisses to his scars . 

The first time Harry kissed his scars , Louis was shaking and trying to pull away , saying his scars are gross , but Harry only shushed him and kept on pressing his lips to his wrist . Now he does it on a daily basis , it's also his way to check if there are new scars and fortunately there aren't . Louis also got used to this , but it was still new to him .

"You're so beautiful ." Harry whispered and pressed Louis' palm to his cheek , kissing his palm once before leaning in to kiss his lips . Louis caressed his cheek softly , relaxing into his body , when his eyes ripped wide open and he pushed Harry's hand away when it crawled under his shirt to rest on his side .

"You okay ? Did I do anything wrong ?" Harry asked worriedly , watching as Louis straightened his shirt down shakily . 

"I-I'm okay . I'm okay ."

Harry squinted his eyebrows , a sad look on his face . "Lou , why can't I touch you there ?"

"B-because .. because ..."

"Did you cut there ?"

"No ! I didn't cut ."

"Then why can't I ?" Harry asked quietly , trying to find an answer . Louis bit his lower lip and looked away , his arms wrapped around himself and that was enough of an answer for Harry .

He frowned down at the small boy , "No , Lou - no . Please don't be insecure ." Harry grabbed his waist and brought him into his chest , holding him tightly . "You're so beautiful , Boo . You look so much healthier and your curves are to die for ." He caressed his waist in his large hands .

"I feel overweight ." Louis said in a small voice . 

"You're not , you're weighing just the right weight for you ." Harry pulled his face back from his chest to cup his cheeks , "Please don't think like this about yourself ."

Louis looked away , this time allowing Harry's hand to crawl under his shirt , resting warmly against his stomach . Harry scooted down a little and lifted his shirt up , leaning his head down to press his lips to his stomach . Louis gasped and sucked his stomach in , making Harry tsk .

"Don't do that ." He nuzzled his nose into his warm skin , his thumb rubbing against his small tummy . A smile broke onto his face at the sound of Louis giggling , he looked up at him , "Does it tickle ?"

Louis nodded shyly and attempted to pull his shirt down , but Harry held his shirt up as he continued pressing kisses to his stomach , fingers prodding his sides softly .

"Nooo ." Louis whined through laughter , pushing Harry away with his legs . Harry laughed and crawled back up to kiss his lips , Louis giggled , "You're annoying ."

Harry pecked his nose and rubbed their noses together , "You're cute when you smile and giggle ."

Louis blushed softly , the smile never leaving his face . He ran his fingers through Harry's hair , "You're annoying , but I like you anyways ."

Harry kissed him again , wrapping both his arms tightly around his small body . "I'll keep being annoying if it means making you smile and laugh ."

"I cry inside every time you annoy me ."

Harry threw his head back laughing , making Louis giggle along softly . "I love your sassy side , it's so precious ." Harry grinned at him , kissing his cheek a few times . 

Louis smiled and closed his eyes , letting Harry kiss his cheek , down to his neck and shoulder . "Hazza ?"

Harry hummed against his neck , making Louis giggle a little at the feeling . "Thank you ."

"What are you thanking me for ?" Harry lifted his head up , eyebrows furrowed a little . Louis caressed his cheek , "I think we both know why I'm thanking you ." He bit his lower lip , "You've been helping me so much , and I take none of it for granted . You're my saviour and I'll forever be grateful ."

Harry pressed their lips together , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck , bringing him slightly closer . 

"Don't thank me for something like this ." Harry shook his head , but Louis shook his head at him , "No , this means so much to me . If you haven't helped me I might have been dead by now ."

"Don't say that ." Harry frowned .

"I mean it ." Louis looked away , "I - I kind of planned ... uhm , I -" He was cut off by Harry squeezing him into his chest , "Shh , no , don't say that . Don't talk about it . You're here with me , and I'm so so happy you're here and very much alive ."

Louis frowned and squeezed Harry back at the sound of his voice breaking . "I'm sorry ."

"Don't be ." Harry whispered , "Just cuddle me ."

Louis ran his fingers through his hair , feeling Harry's heart hammering in his chest . He pressed a kiss to his temple , "Thank you for being the reason I want to keep living ."


Short one , hope you liked it x


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