Tree Branch

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Nicole Parks was climbing a tree and questioning her choice of occupation. Doctors didn't climb trees. Lawyers didn't spent their days getting twigs in their hair. Accountants sat at nice comfortable desks rather than on uneven tree branches. Nicole had always fancied the position of a talk show host, but there were so few opportunities for such a thing. Somehow this had led to her being a photojournalist and half way up a tree feeling like a fifth grader. Totally aware of the ridiculous nature of her situation, but pushing forward nonetheless, Nicole wrapped her camera more securely around her neck and braced her foot on a sturdy tree branch as she climbed in a foul mood.

From the moment her boss has placed this tedious task on her desk, Nicole had just known she'd somehow end up in a tree, on a roof, or leaning off the side of a balcony. And even before she'd found her way into this tree, the rumors of Dani Brookes running off on her own after her tour had taking Nicole on quite the wild goose chase. From hours on the phone with unhelpful airlines, to days of searching through internet feeds tagged with her name to see if there had been any sightings of the pop star, Nicole had more than once been about ready to bang her head on the desk and retire. Her big break through had been when she'd found her way to some small little corner of the internet where a woman named Trixie had posted pictures of signed Dani Brookes merchandise claiming Dani had signed them for her at work. Figuring out where Trixie worked had been a simple matter of messaging her, and the next thing Nicole knew, she was landing on an island in the middle of nowhere off the coast of western Canada, hoping to beat the local press to Dani Brookes's motel room.

Reaching up, Nicole grabbed the next branch as the view through the window finally came into view. A sudden wrench on her arm made Nicole bite down hard on her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain. She'd scraped herself against the bark of the tree as she climbed. Forgetting her arm for a moment, Nicole peared in through the curtains and saw Dani Brookes asleep in bed. The pop star had never claimed to be a early riser, and Nicole had expected nothing less.

Grinning like a fool, Nicole raised her camera with the strap still around her neck to focus it on the sleeping star on the other side of the glass. She got a few nice shots and was about to try and find her way back down to the ground when another person appeared. It was a man, a very young man as far as Nicole could tell, and he was coming out of the bathroom in nothing, but a towel. Grinning wider still, Nicole focused her camera lens and started clicking away madly, her system flooding with adrenaline as she remembered why she loved her job. The thrill of discovery was a high she never tired of.

She continued to photograph the two of them as the young man joined Dani Brookes in the bed, still in nothing but a towel. Nicole was sure she couldn't have gotten a better photo from any other angle save being in the room with them. She waited to see if they were going to do anything else worth photographing for a while, but when the man started reading on his phone, Nicole decided to call it a day. It was time to get out of this tree. Looking down, Nicole tried not to panic as she realized how far she'd actually climbed. Double checking her camera was secure inside her raincoat with the lens cap on, Nicole took a deep calming breath, then began to climb down. One branch and then the next one, but despite her slow pace, Nicole lost her footing and fell the last few feet to the ground.

This time she couldn't stop herself from adding a few choice words to the silent morning. Hoping she hadn't been heard, Nicole picked herself up from the ground, dusted off her clothes and winced as she inspected her broken skin and sore muscles. She'd have a bruise on her leg tomorrow at the very least.

"Are you alright?" a voice called from above. Nicole looked up and saw the boy who she knew had been in Dani Brooke's bed moments ago with his head out the window. He looked concerned, rather than annoyed and Nicole decided to take her chances.

"What's your name?" she yelled up at him. The worst that could happen is him not answering, so she figured why not. It would make a great addition to her article to include the boy toy's name.

"Nick," the man in the window said almost automatically, and Nicole wondered if she could get a surname out of him before he figured out what she was up to. "Are you sure you don't need help?" he tried again. "Sounded like you fell hard. Why were you in that tree anyway?"

"I'm fine," Nicole dismissed his concern. She was technically fine, no one died of bruises.

"Alright then," he said, though he still looked concerned. The emotion Nicole couldn't find in his expression was suspicion. Nicole couldn't figure out why Nick had given her his name and not thought twice about why she was in the tree. He probably couldn't see her camera, but that didn't mean he couldn't easily figure out what she was up to. After all, he was sleeping with Dani Brookes! The only way he wouldn't suspect she was with the press was if he had no idea who who exactly was sleeping in the bed behind him. Oh, this story just kept getting better and better! Quickly Nicole unzipped her raincoat, got out her camera and took a picture of Dani's new guy in the window of her motel nothing but a towel. Then she dashed off before he could ask her any questions. Nicole could already see the headlines.

'Pop star Dani Brookes, age 27, flees Concert to Corrupt Canadian Youth. Exclusive photos taken by Nicole Parks.'

'Dani Brookes secret revealed in exclusive photos by Nicole Parks. She's a cougar.'

'Nicole Park's Exclusive photos reveal the truth behind Pop Star Dani Brookes's break up with long time boyfriend Brody.'

Positively giddy with anticipation, and always imagining being head headed for her dream job, Nicole tucked her camera back into her raincoat to protect those career making photos, pulling out her phone and dialed her boss. She wanted to get this story going before she got back on a plane. She'd head straight to the nearest wifi connection, write the article within in the hour, and email the photos straight away.

"Boy, have I a story for you!" Nicole squealed into her phone as her editor picked up the line.

"Dani Brookes in Tofino shacked up with a kid," her boss said instantly.

"Yeah how'd you know?" Nicole said disappointed.

"Because I'm watching the live news feed of the motel right now," her boss said. "Ten minutes sooner, and it would have been news. Now it's nothing."

"What happened?" Nicole whined, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Your source, Trixie," her boss replied. "She sold you out."

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Sneak Peek Chapter 13

Nick wasn't sure why he was happy to just lay here with her sleeping beside him. He couldn't explain it. Nick usually hated inactivity. He was always working, surfing, or with his family. Doing nothing had never sat well with him, but right now he was quite content with it.

"Urg," Danica mumbled as she finally woke up. She opened her eyes and Nick gazed for a moment into those warm brown irises.

"Good morning," Nick said, laughing slightly at the grumpy way she always woke up.

"At least you're here," she sighed. "Then it might be a good morning."

"I have never met such a anti-morning person before," Nick chuckled as he kissed her.

"We prefer the term night owl," Danica replied, but she was smiling from his kiss.

"What do you want to do today?" Nick asked.

"Actually," Danica said, suddenly serious as she sat up and faced him on the bed. "There is something I need to tell you."

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