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Nick had gone out with a few girls in high school, but those dates were a blur of awkward silences and uncertainty, wondering if she wanted him to kiss her or not. With Danica it was easy, because she wasn't afraid to ask for what she wanted. Danica knew exactly what she was doing, putting his hands where she wanted them, teaching him while clearing enjoying it at the same time.

They were both lying on the bed, out of breath with her snuggled against his chest. "I don't know about you, but I am just gonna lay here for another minute," Nick answered her question of what they should do next with a slight chuckle. Nick was still processing the fact that he just had sex for the first time.

"Suits me fine," Danica added. He had his arm around her, but after a moment he felt her shiver, and sat up to pulled the blankets over them.

"I supposed," Nick said idly as his mind answered her questions without his permission. "I have to go home for a change of clothes at the very least."

"Shall I lend you something of mine?" Danica giggled. "A dress perhaps or a lovely pair a stockings?"

"Ha ha ha," Nick replied sarcastically. "Very funny."

"I thought so," she smiled. Suddenly this was all feeling so much more real. Them going to his house didn't feel like such a ridiculous idea to him anymore.

"And you said you wanted to go to my place," Nick suggested. "If you want. I mean I know you already met mom, but I could introduce you as my date this time."

"This I haven't experienced before," she laughed. "Sex leading to met the mother."

"Is that a yes or a no?" he asked, laughing.

"Yes," Danica replied. "Though first I require a shower." She made to move away, then turned to grin at him. "Would you like to join me?" Nick blinked at her for a moment then accepted her outstretched hand. They got the water going then got in. There was something very intimate about washing another person, and it was nice to be clean again, the sweat from their exertion washing down the drain. It was relaxing to be near her like this. He helped wash her long hair and they exchanged long kisses under the hot water.

When they emerged, Nick picked his practically clean towel off the floor to wrap himself in, while Danica put on one of the motel's robes.

"Would you read me another of your poems?" Danica asked as she sat back on the bed.

"I thought we were going to write together?" Nick asked, still shy about his bad poetry.

"Don't like performing do you?"

"Nope," Nick said. "I had a meltdown during a school play once. Haven't been in front of a crowd since." This was true, though he liked to pass it off as totally in the past, when it still bothered him to this day.

"A compromise then," she continued. "I'll read it silently."

"How about we write," Nick suggested.

"Fine," she sighed. Nick laughed as he got to get his notebook. When he returned, Danica had the message pad from by the phone and two pens, one of which she handed to him.

"This motel is poorly stocked," she complained. "There was nothing else."

With a smile, Nick laid out a few poems structures on a blank page of his notebook, choosing ones with easy to stick to patterns for beginners. He paused a few times while writing, biting his lower lip as he tried to remember rhyme schemes and syllable patterns.

Haiku: Syllables per line 5,7,5

Usually about nature or scenery and often holds a surprise.

Her Early Birdजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें