Night 1, Red and Green

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The raven yells its horrifying screech, while the full moon glows in the deep dark sky. The shadow is getting closer and closer. Its black soulless eyes follow you as you run faster and faster away from it. You look behind you as to see if "he" was behind you. In a screeching pitch voice, you hear from the shadow, "Why don't you stop and rest no one will hurt you". "I just want to say hi." A single tear runs down your cold wet face as you shake from the rain and from your darkest fear. You turn around, but you hit something. You tumble down and hit against the sidewalk. You rub your back and slowly look up and see a shadow figure. You begin to crawl backwards. Hitting your back once more and looking up you see the other shadow figure. You quickly stand up walking backwards into the street as you can see bright red eyes glowing from the taller shadow. In a deep echoing voice, you hear "him" say," Let's have some fun together just the three of us." You then see green and blue eyes glow from the other shadow. The street lights flicker on and off as the two walked passed them. You trip on the edge of the other side of the street and crawl back against a fence. They both reach for you, one with a bloody knife the other ready to strike at will. The last street light lets you see the smile of them both long and devilish and both reach their hands and ....

Ring, ring, ring, ring, the sound of your alarm clock makes you jump out of bed. Restless and out of breath you rush towards the bathroom and wash off your face. As you wipe off your face you look around to make sure you're okay. You try to calm down wondering who were those two shadow creatures, and why were they after you. As you head downstairs not paying attention, you trip on your black cat named Mr. Midnight. You hit your arm against the railing and your butt hits against almost every step.

You finally made it to the bottom of the stairs your whole-body aching. As you stand up your cat meows in entertainment. You strike an angry glare in annoyance. You get up slowly but surely and struggle to get to the kitchen. Your brother smirks and whispers," I hope you had a nice fall". You gently nudge him while you attempt to sit down because your body is aching from your recent fall. In a sweet charming gentle voice, you hear your mother say, "Hey sweetie, how'd you sleep"? Your eyes bugged out as you saw in the distance the same shadow with red eyes from my dreams. Standing right outside your window waving. "Mom, watch out!" You screamed in a horrified screech. You then grabbed the cereal box your mom just brought out and threw it against the window. You also grabbed a knife and was ready to stab the man, but when you looked out the window he was gone.

Thanks for reading everyone. This was my first Fanfic that I have every posted so go easy on me. Thanks for the people that helped me get my stuff together and continue writing. Tell me how you guys like it and I might have to continue it ever further.

P.S. Yes Anti can write fanfics do be surprised.


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