Chapter 12. Skele-boy

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Shadow looked around, the candles were suddenly lit once more. Looking down she saw her soul, it sometimes glowed silver with blue tips but right now it was glowing violet and switching to gray. Shadow stated in awe, but then finally realized that her group was gone and quickly stood up and ran out of the house.... just to get blasted in the face with a cold wind. Cupping a hand over her soul, not touching it, she started to run after them, yelling stuff like "Hey! Wait up!!" the whole run til she caught up with them at the weird gate? Or was it a table? Either way, they walked through and found an abandoned stand that had a few ketchup bottles in it. They all just stared at it.

"What are we standing around for? We need to ketchup on our adventure! Or do we have to postpone it?" She snickered as they glared at her.

//I literally just thought of them!//

"Okay, okay, I'll put a stop to my bad jokes....for now." She mumbled the last part and smirked, having neither of the boys hear.

They kept walking, and soon came upon puzzles. "I'll deactivate them for y-" Flowey started.

"No!!!" Squealed Shadow.

Flowey gave a questioning look at Adrien.

Adrien looked at him. "She really likes puzzles." He explained.

The two boys went around every puzzle, while having to wait for the teen who WAS CURRENTLY ACTING LIKE A TODDLER!!!!!! (Floweys words, not mine)

They kept walking till they came to a bridge, across from it was a tall skeleton. He was... crying, his red gloved hands hiding his face. The tall skeleton was wearing a blue jacket, red scarf, and a weird crop-top like shirt that covered his ribcage, around the waist was blue legless shorts with a bright yellow rim. Inside the scarf lay a pair of dark green butterfly headphones that were hidden.

Flowey moved back over to Shadow, but stayed around her waist, almost like a belt.

Adrien started walking, and, not to anyone's surprise, Shadow followed closely.

"H-hey? E-excuse me?" Adrien asked in his ever innocent voice, gently tapping the skeleton on the shoulder.

The skeleton jumped and looked up. "H-H-HUMANS!?!?!" His voice was shocked and full of fear as he wiped orange tears from his eye sockets.

Shadow looked at the skeleton. 'He doesn't remember me...... That's... probably for the best.' Shadow thought as her heart sunk. "Papyrus, you okay?"

Adrien, being kind hearted and brave, kneeled down to him. "Are-... Are you alright?" He asked at the same time as his sister, as he went to place a hand on the skeletons shoulder.

The skeleton jumped back, before quickly getting up. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, IS ALWAYS ALRIGHT!" He said, doing a pose where he has one hand on his hip and the other with it's fingertips almost touching the scarf.

Shadow and Adrien gave him a sceptical look. "You sure?" Shadow asked, taking a step towards him.

The Great Papyrus instantly took a step back. He hesitated before dropping the pose and looking down. "No...... I lost my brother and sister almost a year ago...." He said, not shout-speaking anymore, as tears began to well up in his eyes.

Shadow, almost imediantly, had her arms around him.... around his chest at least from how tall he was and how short she was. "I-I'm sorry to hear that... I don't know what I'd do if I lost my brother...."

~~~Papyrus POV~~~

After I said that I had lost my dear brother and sister I felt a pair of arms around me. Looking down in shock I saw the human girl hugging me. Then I heard her say something I thought no human would say to anyone anymore.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that... I don't know what I'd do if I lost my brother." Then she pulled away, silver tears in her eyes.

'I'm sorry...'

Almost on instinct I wiped her tears with my thumb, I was kind of surprised to see a bit of silver cross her upper cheeks.

"DON'T CRY HUMAN GIRL! I'M SURE THAT I'LL SEE THEM ONE DAY, ONE DAY SOON!!" I said in a reassuring voice, not even knowing of it was true. I'm not even sure where Sans or Silver went... maybe they thought I'd come after them, but I've checked the forest and all around Snowdin and everywhere else...

~~~Normal POV~~~

Shadow blushed a light silver a small bit when the skeleton had wiped her tears. She nodded after hearing what he'd said and took a step back. "Papyrus, right?" She asked and watched as he nodded. "I'm Shadow. This is Adrien." The female teen said, hugging her smaller brother from behind. "And this is Flowey!" She continued and pointed to the complaining flower that was moving up to avoid getting crushed.

Papyrus looked at the bigger human, then at the smaller one, and lastly at the flower who was now lightly wrapped around the females neck. "This is..." He hesitated. "Sans!" He said, motioning to the jacket with a long diagonal tear across it with blood staining the edges. "And here's Silver!" The skeleton continued, pulling out a pair of green butterfly headphones that had a small amount of blood on them.

Flowey and Adrien looked at him, even Adrien was old enough to know that those were just objects. "You do know that those are just-" Flowey started, but was cut off by Shadow.

Only she seemed to know what he seemed to mean, and just nodded.


They all spoke at the same time.

(Imagine what's next all mashed together)

"No!" Spat Flowey.
"Yeah!!" Exclaimed Adrien.
"...." Shadow said nothing, and just replied with a shrug.

Papyrus imedinatly started to walk, smiling widely with his eyes closed.

[Word Count-989]

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