Chapter 2. Siblings

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---1 Month Til The First Anniversary---
---Since Frisks Gone Missing---

A small boy with bright orange hair and two different colored eyes, who looked around five, six, or seven was chasing an girl with black hair and one silver eye up the mountain that was said to be cursed.

"Shadow! Shadow wait up!" The boy called to the older girl who was ahead of him, for a split millisecond it looked like his left eye had a small bit of yellow mist coming off of it and his eye had gone full black.

Instead of slowing down the girl actually went faster forcing the boy to go faster. "Catch up, Adrien!" The girl, that the boy called Shadow, yelled back. And then continued to run, faster and faster until she was nearing the top.

Adrien, getting forced past his limits, kept running. Looking back once to see a group of other children chasing them, with that the boys pupils seemed to grow and engulf the whole color of his eye and the center turned into a small white ball. A yellow mist started to emit from his eye and soon he was choppily teleporting up the mountain.

The boy, called Adrien, easily beat the girl, called Shadow, up the mountain by a couple minutes. The two met at the peak of the mountain, still getting chased.

The girl peered down the mountain, and saw the group of children slowly approaching. "Quickly! In there!" She pointed to the cave that was up there, the two seemed familiar with this place.

Adrien followed Shadow into it, getting pushed into a hiding spot that was covered by vines and leaves. "Sh-Shadow, w-w-will we b-be-be okay?" He asked her, crying.

Shadow looked down at him, and quickly wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling him in. Resting her chin on his head. "I'm... not sure, to be honest. But those bullies will have to go through me to get to you." She quietly said to him in an older sister type way. The girl then pulled away from him, and grabbed his shoulders gently. "Now, dry those tears. If anything happened to my baby brother, I don't know what I'd do with myself." She continued, and kissed his nose. "Now... shhh." Shadow continued once more, raising one finger to her lips.

Just outside the caves opening voices and footsteps could be heard from multiple people. "Where'd those freaks go?" Said a kid, it sounded like a boy. "Maybe they turned and ran off into the woods?" Another boy said. "Do we have to hurt them? The only thing different about them is that they have powers." Said a girl, who sounded like a toddler. Things suddenly went silent, the sound of one person angrily stomping over to where the voice sounded like it came from was heard. After a moment of hesitation the sound of a hard and painful slap followed.

The brother and sister who were hidden flinched, and clung tighter to each other. The only light they had was Adriens eye, both of them were nearly crying remembering their past encounters with this group.

"They... are different!" A boys voice spat, this voice was all too fimiliar with the two. It was Rudy, the leader of the gang. "Before we became orphans, what did mom and dad say!? Anything new is dangerous! And those freaks have powers! Humans... DON'T... have powers Annie!" He yelled at the girl.

Shadow raised her finger up to her to her lips as to tell Adrien to stay quiet. Just as she was about to lay a hand on the vines she felt her brother grab her arm, looking back at him Shadow saw him shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

Adriens eyes shot open as he felt the warmth of his sister's hand touch his, knowing she (most of the time) knew best he loosened his grip until his hand went limp and fell off.

[Word Count-669]

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