Chapter 5. Purple everywhere

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Shadow instinctively wraps herself around her brother making her hit the ground first, she was expecting to be dead. She opened her one visible silver eye and let out a sigh of relief that her brother was alive as he clung to her chest shaking with fear. "You.... huff puff... alright?" She asked her brother, trying to regain the air that was knocked from her lungs.

Adrien, shaking with fear, looked up at his sister. "A-are we.... are we... dead?" He asks, still clinging to his 16 year old sister while small tears roll down his cheeks.

"I still have you, don't I? Then... no." She replies to her brother, before sitting up. It was a challenge since she had to hold Adrien at the same time. Shadow gently stoked his curly, medium short amber hair while humming a song that always calmed him down.

Shadow hummed to him for a good couple minutes, repeating the song and singing to him during a couple parts. "Better?" She asks, looking down at him.

Adrien nods, and slowly starts to get up. Finally allowing Shadow to stand too.

She looks up at the opening up above, hearing laughter. She growls quietly. "Guess we can't go back? Huh." She giggles a bit.

Adrien ignores what she said.

"Hey, Adri, what's buggin ya?" Shadow asks, wrapping an arm around him. "You never ignore me."

"Do you.... Do you think the stories are true? About the spell and the barrier and monsters?" He asks, not noticing a small cut on his nose that had dark greenish orange blood instead of red.

"Hmm... Maybe, I think so." She kneels down to his eye level, swinging a worn tan backpack from off her shoulder before grabbing a band-aid from it. "I mean, how are we here then? And if they are out there, if they dare get close to you...... I'lL SeNd ThEm To HeLl." She reassured him, anger in voice. "Let's get going. Oh and, Adrien. Don't ever tell anyone about that word."

Adrien held her hand, and looked up at her. "What word? Hel-?"

"Tut, tut, tut!! Yes, that word... Don't say it." She suddenly stops. "Ooh! Idea." She lets go of her brothers hand and runs back towards the flowers and picks up the stick and a couple buttercups. "Here, you use this. And by the time we get out of here we'll have these BEAUTIFUL flowers to make a garden." Shadow said smiling happily down at her brother and hands him the stick.

They turn the corner to find a small patch of grass. Luckily Shadow had gently pulled the roots out too, she then planted three flowers "One day a small patch, like the one we fell in, will grow right here." She smiled at her brother who was looking down at it. "C'mon." She said, gently pulling in his hand as he followed.

During their walk they had encountered a couple monsters. Shadow nearly flipped seeing them and nearly went phyco on them, until her brother used mercy.

Since the first fight they'd gotten into they'd shown mercy and their souls wouldn't disappear, but Shadow stayed off to the side, jumping in front of her baby brother taking any and all attacks. "Shad? Why is my heart on it's side and not like yours?" He asked in his normal quiet and slightly raspy voice, he'd kept his hand shielding his dark green heart that had orange puddles, it was also on it's side and looked more like a cartoon arrow head.

"Well, we are two different people. Which means two different souls!" She didn't say how she knew this, or why, but she did, Adrien squerzed his sisters hand, keeping his left one hovering an inch or two away from his, what Shadow called, soul. "H-hey, sis? Can I... Um... Can I see your soul again?" Adrien asked as if it were a personal question.

She flinched, and looked down at him. "Fine... but only this once." Shadow removed her hand so reveal her soul.

((Don't think you'd understand if I just described it, plus this ways easier))

As if a soul on its side was bad enough... But HALF a soul!? And cracked!? And as if those two qualities weren't enough... things just got better... Shadow's soul was leaking, bleeding if you will, a blue liquid from the cracks. "Well?"

"It's.... It's...." Adrien started, not noticing his sister stiffen as if she was preparing for a negative comment. "It's... awesome!!"

'What!?' Shadow mentally squeaked. "Hm?! And why do you say that?" Shadow asked, glancing down at him without actually moving her head. She smirked at bit, happy that her brother thought this way, but also a bit weirded out since her soul wasn't normal what so ever, before remembering he'd never seen any other human soul besides the one from when Shadow killed the girl while trying to protect Adrien.

Adrien nods. "Yeah! It's... different!" He exclaimed happily to his sister.

Before the two knew it they came up on a house. It seemed cozy enough, from the outside at least.

Shadow gently released her brothers hand. "You stay here, I'll see if anyone's home." The teen then walked over to the house and knocked on the door. The second her hand touched the door slowly swung open. Peaking her head in Shadow quietly called out. "H-Hello? Anybody home?"
Nobody answered. "Hellooo?" She said, knocking once more.
Nobody came."Come on Adrien, I don't think anyone lives here."

"A-are you sure? They could be out." Adriens voice was shakey, putting it out that we was afraid.

"Yes... maybe? I'm not sure..." Adriens older sister says in defeat. "But still, maybe they'll allow us to stay?"

[Word Count- 960]

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