Chapter 7. Leaving?

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The occurrences from just a couple hours ago were long forgotten by Adrien, but they were burning in Shadows mind.

She just couldn't let go of the thought of someone threatening to harm her brother. She sat on the steps that lead into the house they had stayed on throughout the past few nights and she watched her younger brother play around the tree with a couple other monsters. The monsters avoided Shadow because of her cold unapproachable aura, but they happily played with her brother. "Heya, Adrien, time to go. Tell your friends bye and we'll see them later." Shadow informed him when she finally snapped back into reality and watched as Adrien part with his friends. He walked into the house with Shadow.

"Adrien, it's time to go... time to leave this house." Shadow said, kneeling down to him knowing that this was hurting him a bit.

"B-but, why?" Adrien asked, knowing that the house would get to smaller when he grew older and they'd run out of food later on.

"You know why, but... don't worry! We'll come back, often even." Shadow replied, trying to keep up a cheery persona for her smaller and younger brother.

Adrien nodded, and walked into his old room to gather his things. Shadow had found him a dark blue and bright green backpack to carry his things.

Shadow went to her room and packed her things. She found a book and, out of ciriousity, opened it up to find many puns written in it. She snickered at the really bad ones.

Especially the skeleton puns, she found them really humorous.
(*Sans is le proud)

She sighed happily and put it away in a side pocket on her backpack.
Once she was done she went to check in with her bro. "Heya bud."

Adrien was sitting on the ground, still packing. He kept a smile on, remembering how Shadow said they'd come back often.

"You ready to go?" Shadow asked standing next to him.

Adrien nodded and stood up, clinging to his sister once again.

[Word Count -344]

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