Chapter 14: Better

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Sahae's POV

I woke up and the room's dim. I looked around and ugh.. It's dark outside. It's already evening huh. I wonder where the others are. Maybe they're already sleeping. 

I got up from the bed and noticed a weird object.

It was on top of the sketchpad, on the page I drew.. the..

 /knock knock

I turned to see who it was. "Oh Luhan, how come you're still awake?" I suddenly remembered what I did a while ago. Urgh I wanna curl into a ball and sulk in a corner or can I just bury myself alive. "Sorry about earlier." I said, avoiding my eyes to have a contact with his.

"Nah, it's okay. I brought some food, in case you're hungry since you weren't able to eat properly earlier." Luhan said, standing by the door. "It's just some of Xiumin's favorite. Want some?" He offered. I flashed a smile and nodded. "Would you like to go out for some fresh night air?" 


"It's actually a sensitive issue here. You know.. about Keru and my Father." Luhan explained while looking above us, appreciating the stars above. Damn his side profile is so good. I could look at his face forever. "Hey, let me tell you something. Don't tell the others that I told you, okay?" He looked at me and his eyes were sparkling I tell you. They were shining just like how the stars twinkle.

"Sure, what is it?" I smiled and took a bite from the baozi Luhan gave me and then looked at the sky just like how he did. We're by the balcony by the way of what room or what not, I'm not yet familiar to this place.

He laughed first before he continued to talk. "Father likes Galaxy so much." What? "Back then, I always see him looking at the night sky with a smile plastered on his face." He showed me his smile again. 

"It was nice seeing him happy but.. to be very honest it shocked me or if I'm not wrong, the other guys too were shocked. It just creep the soul out of me." For a second there he showed a disgusted look then laughed again. "And by the way, sometimes he has his own world and say some weird things. Don't be too surprised when he does."

"Why? How come? Did something happen when I wasn't around yet?" I curiously asked. Well, don't blame me for not being able to shut my mouth. Curiousity kills the Sahae, you know. Just kidding.

"Hmn, there were but it's a very long story. A very very long story that may senses are telling me that I should send you to your room now and send you to sleep because we'll have a gathering tomorrow for a proper and formal introductions of the family." 

Oh Family huh. I hope I won't get mental blocked or worst, have a mental breakdown. I'm becoming a shame and a bother ever since I came here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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