Chapter 9: The Princes

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Keru's POV

I was in the middle of talking with the king when suddenly the large door of the throne room opened. It revealed 4 princes. I admit, the rumors were true. They were all very handsome. Even from afar.

But there was this strange feeling. The moment that the door opened I got goose bumps. I suddely felt tensed.

They all walked near. Me and the king stood up.

I looked at each one of them. One was very polite looking with big round eyes. The guy next to him was a little tan and very handsome. The guy next to him was very pale and his face was kept straight, he was actually glaring at me. TSH. And the ne-I froze. A tall guy...handsome. Very. His eyes were chocolate brown, same goes with his hair, he kept a soft face. He was indeed prince like...but I don't like him. I mean...I don't like the atmosphere he brings. It's scary

King Suho took a few steps towards his sons. "Boys, this is Princess Keru of EXO Land M" he led me forward and I complied. Now all eyes were on me.

"why was she sitting in Noona's chair?" I looked at the pale boy. He was the one glaring at me. The tan boy elbowed him but he didn't buldge. He was looking at me, coldly. If his eyes were daggers I might have been dead by now.

"Sehun. Your mouth" Suho warned softly. "I'm sorry dear, he's just really sad about his sister's departure" the king whispered to me. I just nodded keeping an also straight face.

"well Keru, these are my sons. There were actually 5 of them but the other one went to your kingdom to drop Sahae" the king explained. I hope Unnie will be alright there.

"that's Kyungsoo. Then right beside him is Kai, Sahae's twin. Beside Kai is Sehun, the youngest...but he's the same as your age. And that's Chanyeol. Baekhyun was the one who took Sahae to land M" I examined their faces. Kyungsoo the one with round eyes. Kai the tan one. Sehun...the brat. Yes I pressume he is a brat, he acts like one. And the...the tall one, C-chanyeol.

"She will be staying with us for a quite some time so everything that's Sahae's is considerd her's." I looked at the king, I'm surprised...jinja? They will really let me use the princess' property?

"what do you mean appa?" Kyungsoo asked. Wow. They could speak with out asking the permission to do so??? I land M you should ask approval of the monst-king first before you could speak. Well ofcourse I never follow those. Stupid rules.

"what I mean is...she'll be using Sahae's bed, etc."

"WHAT?!" Kai and Sehun chorused.

"APPA!" The brat whined like a little child. He's pathetic I tell you. He eyed me and I rolled my eyes on him.

"Does Sahae approve to this?" Kai questioned. This kingdom is waaaay too cool. They could use that tone on the king? Sweet.

"it was actually her idea."

"MWO?!" I'm getting annoyed with this brat. He's so whiny. -_-

"Sahae wanted her highness, Keru, to feel at home in our castle. Comfortable as possible. She wants Keru to be happy here. She favored and said all of this things to me so stop whinig Sehun" I smirked at the brat and his eyes wided. Poor him, didn't he realize im a brat too. But I'm better.

"thank you your highness." I smiled at the king. He just nodded softly in return

"your part of the family from now on princess. While Sahae is away, you're the princess of EXO K." king Suho pat my head then faced his sons "Boys...why don't you tour her around the castle?" And from that moment I knew it would be awkward for the five of us.

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