Chapter 11: Gathering

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Keru’s POV

“now Baekhyun. Explain.” King Suho said. Baekhyun stayed silent with his head down.

“What happened? Why did you hit your bother?” Suho asked again but Baekhyun didn’t speak. The king sighed. “would someone care to explain? Huh?”

Sehun tried speaking up but Baekhyun gripped the brat’s hand. Kyungsoo tried to but Sehun elbowed him. What?! Are they gonna stay silent because Baekhyun says so?

I gathered my courage to look up at Chanyeol. My eyes told him to speak up but no. He didn’t. Wae?!

I clenched my fist. “I will.” I spoke up. Everyone eyed me. If they were all afraid of Baekhyun, I’m not. I don’t care who he is. “He shouted in our room. Dragged Kai out of bed, pushed him against the wall then punched him. All because Kai and I were sleeping on Sahae Unnie’s bed.”

“why were you sleeping on one bed again?” I was about to speak but a wind blew and whispered to me. ‘lie’

“b-because…because I asked him to. I miss my geges. I couldn’t sleep when I was sad. Kai was there to comfort me until I fell asleep. Maybe he just fell asleep too beside me. It’s no big deal your highness. Actually I’m really thankful to Kai” I said to the king with a small smile on my face.

King Suho nodded.  He turned to Baekhyun "Baekhyun, you're the oldest. You should know better. What did I always tell you? Violence is never the solution. I dont want something like this happen again. Do you understand boys?"

"Yes father." They all said in sinc.

"I'm sorry your highness" I said in a low tone. Why does trouble follow me every where? It looks like werever I am, chaos follows.

"Dont worry princess. It's not your fault. My boys could be a little agressive sometimes."


"Are you sure you're okay Kai?" I asked him. He just nodded.

We were in our room again. Just the two of us. Its our room after all.

"It's just a scratch princess nothing to worry about. I'm fine. " He said with a smile and both thumbs up. "Thankyou for healing me, and know."

"It's nothing. And...what did I tell you about calling me princess again?"

"Oh, sorry. Keru."  He said with another smile. 


Kai wanted to do something for me, something my brothers used to do. I thought of something and this is what I thought of. This made me remember Lay ge. He sometimes brushed my hair. Kai happily complied, gently brushing my hair while I closed my eyes.

He was in the middle of brushing when a knock was heard on the door. It opened and it revealed prince Baekhyun.

Kai quickly retreated his hands from my hair then looked away.

He walked near with prideful steps and stopped infront of Kai. His face softened. Sighing he said..."I-i...I'm sorry Jongin" Ha said then held out his hands.

Kai stayed silent for a few seconds before smiling. "It's okay hyung..." He stood up then took Baekhyun's hands. "I never knew you could punch like that."

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