Chapter 35

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It was Christmas morning and I was on twitter while my nineteen months old and my four-month-old baby, who just began sleeping consistently through the night, slept in their rooms. I felt very alone, but Logan, Chloe, and Jake would be at my house. 

As I was scrolling through Twitter though I saw a post from Daniel which was a screenshot of a video that I sent him the day before. Next to the video was an attached picture that was from Daniel's notes, which meant that whatever he had to say was longer than 140 characters. 

@SeaveyDaniel: To my beautiful family- I love you all so very much! Emma, Louis, Alfie, Bamm-Bamm, Lucy. Spending Christmas without you all is a little sad, but you're always with me in my heart I hope you all know that. This picture of Louis and Alfie describes our family dynamic, we always love each other no matter what. Christmas right now is still amazing though spending it with Jack's family and all of the Why Don't We boys! Also great news for fans we're dropping another Christmas song tonight! 

I liked the comment and retweeted it and then I checked my texts, I got a text from each one of the boys. All of them saying Merry Christmas, but that's when I got a Facetime call from Jack, which I picked up. 

"Emma! Isla wants to see Louis and Alfie!" Jack exclaimed, "Daniel wants to see them too, but he's out with Jonah and Corbyn somewhere." 

"Hey, Isla! Both Louis and Alfie are sleeping right now, but you're just in time since going to wake them up and give them breakfast. How's your Christmas been?" I questioned. 

"Amazing because Jacky is home with everyone else!" Isla cheered as I walked over into Louis' room, "It's too bad you're not here though, Daniel told me all about you. I'm sad though all of them are going to be gone tomorrow and then soon they won't be in America anymore." 

"Aww that's alright because they all love you so much especially Jack," I smiled reaching Louis' crib and showing Isla on the camera. 

"Oh my goodness! Louis is so cute!" Isla cooed as I nudged at Louis a little causing him to wake up. 

"Mama!" Louis exclaimed as I picked him up and Isla saw him in the camera. 

"His eyes match Daniel's!" Isla exclaimed as I saw Jack on the screen instead of Isla.

"Aw, Lou's still so cute. Are you vlogging this morning? You might want to when Daniel's gift to you arrives," Jack advised, "And I took my phone away from Isla since you probably have to take care of the boys and the dogs. I'll Facetime you later when everything's been taken care of, bye Emma. Merry Christmas."

"Bye, also give Isla my number if she ever wants to see pictures of my animals and or children," I told him jokingly a little, "Bye Jack, Merry Christmas." 

I hung up the Facetime and then put my phone down as I went into the kitchen and I sat Louis down into his high chair. I dug into the fridge and took out some milk and apples. Then I went took out cereal and bananas from the cabinet. 

I cut the bananas and apples and put it in a bowl in front of Louis. Then I poured milk into the cereal in a bowl and then I gave the bowl to Louis as he chomped away. 

I quickly went into Alfie's room and woke him up and I sat at the table with Louis as I breastfed Alfie. Once both of the boys had their breakfast I cleaned everything up and got the leashes and quickly put both of the boys in a stroller. 

I walked the dogs along with the boys and when I finished everything I put the boys in the playroom where Alfie stayed awake and just played with his own toys and Louis and I played ball for a very long time before deciding to Facetime Jack again while I was vlogging with a real camera. 

"Hey, Jack! I'm vlogging right now by the way. Just made breakfast, walked the dogs with the boys, it's been a good Christmas. Gonna give Louis his gifts later," I explained and he smiled. 

"Sounds great, but he's still young you could get away with giving him presents," Jack mentioned.

"The question is do I want to," I teased and Jack just nodded his head. 

"Daniel says that Logan's bringing your gift when he gets here, so just wait," Jack mentioned which really meant in five minutes. 

"I will, speaking of Daniel. Is he back yet?" I questioned. 

"Yeah he is, let me go get him," Jack answered putting the phone down and I heard him yelling in the background. A few minutes later I saw Daniel in the screen. 

"Hey, Emma!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Hey Danny, you didn't have to get me a gift. You know I didn't get you one this year," I mentioned and I noticed Daniel's head nod. 

"Well yeah, but it'll be amazing. Anyway if you don't mind I'm gonna go open presents with the rest of the boys. Bye love you, I'll Facetime you for like the entire rest of the day," Daniel told me. 

"Love you too, bye Daniel," I hung up the Facetime and played with Louis for a little while longer and then the door rang and Louis along with the two dogs ran up to the door. 

Once I opened it I saw Chloe, Jake, and Logan. We all said our hello's but then Chloe ran up to Louis and Alfie since she was three years older than Logan I knew she was a lot more ready than him to have a baby and I could tell she wanted one the way she cooed over my two boys. 

Meanwhile, Logan handed me a box. Once I took the box from him he told me to open it right away because I only have a few seconds, so I did. That's when I saw two mainecoon kittens jump out of the box, my favorite type of cats. Daniel's gift was a thoughtful one, but I just hoped they'd have the personalities where they just want to be pet and fed since I had children and dogs to take care of. 

"Daniel had us pick them up," Logan kissed Chloe on the cheek as I just vlogged the kittens playing with each other in the box. 

"I'll have to introduce them to both the dogs and the boys," I replied. 

"Do that later, so we can make vlogs off of their introduction! A boy and girl kitten meet a boy and girl dog!" Logan exclaimed and I just smiled and agreed with him, perfect clickbait for any Youtuber. 

The doorbell rang again and that's when I got it and saw Jake and Chance together. They let themselves in right away seeing all the animals and the babies and ran over to them, they were both vlogging also. 

Basically, everyone was vlogging as they played with animals and babies, the two kittens though were separated away from everything as I let them explore my room, so they could adjust to their new surroundings. 

I went back into the playroom and I saw Louis playing with Jake and Chance as Chloe and Logan just cooed over Alfie. That was basically how the rest of the day went until everyone had to leave except for just Chance who helped me put both Louis and Alfie to bed. 

"So, Emma. Today was really fun, where was Daniel?" Chance asked as we sat on the couch together petting the two kittens that were my Christmas presents and unnamed. 

"Oh he's on tour," I answered, "He's back in five months." 

"Oh," I saw Chance just glance down at the kittens then back at me. 

"Is it ever lonely?" Chance questioned. 

"Not really, sometimes I guess it's just that I'm always busy, I don't really notice. What's it like living with Jake?" I asked back. 

"Always busy, sometimes it gets a little lonely," Chance answered, "Maybe we should hang out then." 

"Sure," I replied, "If I ever find the time. You know I didn't know you well even when we were living in Ohio. It would be nice to change that." 

"Yeah, it would," Chance agreed before he decided to get up and leave to let me go to sleep. 

Roommates (Logan Paul and Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang