F I F T H - T E E N

Start from the beginning

I finished my breakfast and hopped directly into the shower, scrubbing away last night's sequence of events. I felt rejuvenated and ready to take on today. I got ready in record time, throwing on a hoodie and jeans and a pair of white sneakers. I didn't bother doing my hair and put it in a ponytail and leaving my face bare again. 

I had a new spark light up within me for whatever reason. I no longer felt afraid of this world and incapable of handling it. Especially after I found the vial Kee gave me and twisted it in my hands, pondering on what she meant. Is this the key back to my regular life? Did she purposely hand it over to me so that I could decide? 

Despite all of the interesting situations I have been led into these past two days, my curiosity only continued to build. I wanted to know more about their magic, their laws and politics. As long as I knew this world existed, I wasn't going to pretend that it didn't. 

With this new motivation, I eagerly left my hotel room, packed and ready to go, and met the guys downstairs in the lobby where Bev was checking us out. I waited with Jace by the vending machines, deciding that I wouldn't deem him a murderer just yet. He did say that Oliver was still alive, and by the way Jace referred to him last night, I had a feeling I hadn't seen the last of him. 

"Okay kids, let's go."

"Why does he keep referring to us as children? Isn't he like 20?" I asked, turning to Jace, who shrugged.

"22, in fact, and to me, you are children," Bev but in, a fake smile on his face. 

"Physically, he's 22, mentally he's 45." I snorted at that since it was easy to picture Bev as a middle-aged man. 

"Why do you look so tired? Didn't you get more sleep than us?" I asked, pulling up next to Bev to examine his face. I hadn't gotten the vibe that Bev liked me or anyone for that matter, but for some reason, I felt compelled to annoy him.

"Yea Bev, tell her why you're so tired," Jace said, pulling up on Bev's other side, a wide grin on his face. 

Bev rolled his eyes, refusing to pay either of us any attention. "It's none of your business."

"Well, now I want to know. Were you out being chased by trained assassins too?"

A look of bewilderment crossed his face as he turned to Jace, confused. "You didn't mention that to me? Is that why my jacket was ruined with your blood."

"Good going, Elliot," Jace hissed under his breath to me. 

"How was I supposed to—"

"If you don't start being more responsible, Jace, then I'm going to have to start siding with Dayna."

"Oh, please," Jace rolled his eyes. "As if you aren't the one benefiting from—"

"Okay, enough of that," Bev cleared his throat. "I'm am tired, Elliot, because I waswithagirllastnight." 

"Sorry, what was that?"

"He finally let loose and hooked up with a girl last night. Our boy didn't come home until six this morning. I'm so proud."

"So that isn't a common thing for you?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Bev asked, his eyebrows raised.

"I mean . . . have you looked in a mirror? I would be hooking up with someone new every day if I had that face."

"That's so shallow of you, Elliot. We, being members of the attractive club, are not all whores, like you have so much presumed." 

Bev and I side glanced at Jace, wondering who he was trying to fool with that statement. If anyone in this group was definitely considered to be a hoe, it was Jace. He was known to get around with the girls at our school. He wasn't fooling us.

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