part 1

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Just something really quick before you start reading:

I know that Emo doesn't mean to be depressed or to cut. I just like to bring some parts of myself into a story. There are many feelings that I feel but there are also many fictional things.

Claire's pov:

Before we start I think I should explain who I am.

I'm Claire and in 10th grade so I'm still 15. Three years until I can finally move out. Great. My life is not what you would call perfect.

I always pretend I'm something that I'm not just to protect myself.

I smile- even though I'm sad
I say I'm okay- while in reality I'm breaking inside.

I always do so much to be liked. But I guess it's my nature to be hated.

I stood up feeling heavy..Today is school again. I quickly took a shower and dried myself. I put mascara and eyeliner on my blue eyes and brushed my shoulder long black hair. I put on my "keep calm and kill zombies" sweater and a black skirt with a black leggings to it.

After one last check in the mirror I grabbed my bag with a skull on it and my headphones.

I walk to school so I have lots of time to think and listen to music. Right now I'm listening to Planetary (Go!) By my chemical romance. I arrived sooner as I thought at the school gate. I took a deep breathe and told myself I can do it.

A few seconds later I finaly walked inside towards the first class. I was still a few metres away from the door and I could already hear screaming.

I hate this school. I repeated over and over again. I walked inside and sat at my usual place in the corner of the last row.

Finally the bell rang and the teacher walked in the room quieting. I was relieved because I hate everything that's loud except for music

"Good morning" Mr. Montgomery said. "Tomorrow we'll have a new student. I want you to be nice to the new student. He's going to a hard time because his parents just got divorced. That's all and now let's begin with our math lesson" He said.

A hard time? He must be a douchebag crying over something like that.

(After Math)
Finally a break. Math is boring. I hate it. I stood up grabbing my bag to got to my german lesson when I fell to the ground. I tturned around to see who it was and was already half way up when Jena pushed me back down.

"Stay down there. Fat fags are not allowed up here. " She said kicking me in the stomach causing me to caugh.

"I'm sorry" I apologized sitting up. Satisfied and laughing they walked out. I hate this school I began to repeat again.I plugged my headphones in and put it on drown-bring me the horizon.

I didn't want to stay here anymore but I at least had to survive my german lesson. My stomach still hurts but I tried to ignore it so I walked to class.

I could quickly slip in before they teacher and sat down in the last row again. The lesson was over quickly so I walked out of school.

(At home)

Finally home. I laid on my bed staring at my ceiling. My room is covered in black and green drawings and band posters.

I wonder what he is going to be like I thought and fell asleep without eating.

I woke up 3 hours later hearing the door unlock. Shit my parents got home. I'm not on good terms with them.. not since.. I got interrupted by loud bangs on my door

"Come the fuck out you whore" My father screamed and I quickly opened the door letting my father inside.

"Where's mom? " I asked knowing half of the answers already.

"Working longer" He opened his mouth and I could smell the stench of alcohol and cigarettes coming from him.

He was drunk again. I knew what was going to happen so I curled up in a ball closing my eyes letting him hit me.

My mother knows this is probably happening right now but she is the same as him. He punched me into the stomach and told me how fat and useless I am until everything went black.

I could hear that he left the room and feel that tears ran down my face but I then passed out until morning

I know this is totally different from my other stories. I hope you like it so far and please vote

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