Chapter 1: Let's Go Slay Us Some Monsters

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(A few years later, the Queen's funeral was attended and the Nymph Sisters grew into beautiful ladies. Daphne was in the tournament fighting contestants from different places. Daphne destroyed all of them with her impulse and wind powers. She also had sharp daggers. The crowd clapped and cheered for Daphne.)

Daphne: "I know. I know. I'm amazing, aren't I?"

Persephone: "You must enjoy winning a lot. I want to show you how I fight."

Daphne: "It's a one on one duel, huh? Think you can beat me? I didn't need training. It was you and Stephanie that needed support."

Persephone: "Speaking of, where is our sister?"

Daphne: "I don't know. Now, focus and fight me."

Nymph Announcer: "Nymphs, we have a sister duel to watch! Are you excited?" (The Nymph people were happy that clapped and cheered.)

Nymph Announcer: "Are you ready?"

Daphne: "Always."

Persephone: "Let's go."

Nymph Announcer: "And...Fight!" (Daphne came charging at Persephone with wind techniques from the mountain and Persephone used her land powers. Daphne summoned a wind pulse and Persephone summoned a wooden spear. Daphne threw the wind pulse at Persephone and she did three backflips. Persephone then threw the wooden spear at Daphne, but she slid under the spear and kicked her in the stomach. The kick was so hard, it made an impulse and knocked her back against the wall.)

Persephone: "You're strong. I'd give you that." (She summoned a tree and climbed up then took a couple of branches and turned it into a bow. She aimed sharp twig needles at Daphne.)

Persephone: "Dodge these!" (She shot at least 3 twigs at Daphne, but she dodged them with her pulse attacks.)

Persephone: "Damn it!" (She shot a few more and Daphne just kept dodging them.)

Daphne: "Not good enough!" (She charged up so much impulse power that she ran so fast to the tree. She attacked Persephone multiple times and then she flew into the air really high. Everyone was impressed.)

Daphne: "Sorry sister, but once again, you lost." (She spinned herself into an impulse vortex drill and collapsed the entire tree while the leaves were falling. Persephone was on the ground in defeat.)

Persephone: "Wow. You were right. You are the strongest."

Daphne: "That felt good. You okay?"

Persephone: "A little bruised, but I'm okay."

Daphne: "Sorry. Now where's our sister?"

Stephanie: "I'm coming!" (She came downstairs and saw her sisters.)

Persephone: "Stephanie, you look amazing!"

Stephanie: "Thank you, Persephone."

Daphne: "Hey, Stephanie. Ready to be in the tournament?"

Stephanie: "Oh, I don't know."

Persephone: "Come on, we need to see what your powers are. Please?"

Stephanie: "Well, okay. I'll try."

Daphne: "You will show us. Prepare."

Stephanie: "I don't know about this."

Daphne: "It'll be fine. Just attack me with your powers."

Nymph Announcer: "Stephanie is going to fight Daphne! This is going to be good! I've been waiting for this!" (The crowd cheers.) "This is it! Whoever wins will become the queen of the Nymph Palace!"

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