"All you do is fucking talk!" Dan cried and turned to look up at him with big eyes, brimming with tears. "Prove it!"

Phil walked over to Dan and looked at him dead in the eyes "I will- you're so damn beautiful, you give me butterfly's every time I see you, you manage to make me laugh even at the lamest things, you're so strong. Your eyes go adorable and doey when you're interested in something and all of your freckles highlight how soft your face is and I cannot live without you Dan, you're the best thing that has come into my life." Phil said trying to get closer to Dan, he was so close

Dan's breath hitched and he stood up. "You're still talking. Youre still fucking talking. Prove it, Phil. Prove to me that you're not lying right now." Tears ran down Dan's cheeks and he looked at Phil.

Phils didn't hesitate to close the gap between his and Dans lips, the overwhelming sensation of Dans lips moulding against his was causing more sensations than he ever thought a kiss could, the salty tears were somewhere in the mix, but he gently held Dans cheek as he kissed him again, softly to show how genuine he is. The kiss only confirming his feelings for Dan

Dan gasped a little when he felt Phil's lips agaisnt his own soft ones. It took him a moment to melt into it, but when he did, it was like a something unwounded inside of him. Like the tightness in his throat finally loosened after so long. He just kissed Phil back with everything he had.

Phil felt so many waves of relief over him that Dan kissed back, he kissed Dan with so much determination, desperate to show Dan that he was real in what he said. The soft taste of Dans lips was perfect, he felt like he was floating as he kissed him again and again and again. He didn't want this to end, he held Dans hips, and gently moved the wheelchair out of the way, breaking the kiss for a second as he sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Dan to sit down and wrap his legs around Dans waist, needing to keep the kiss going

Dan didnt dare to pull away, because what if this was some dream? Well, in that case, he never wanted to wake up. He just sat in Phil's lap and wrapped his arms and legs around Phil as he kept kissing him, his eyes shut.

Phil pulled away from Dans chasing lips, his hand on Dans cheek "Dan look at me." Phil said softly and quietly

Dan pouted back a little to look up at Phil. His lips were red and pouty, just begging to be kissed again. He whined softly at the loss, "Yeah?"

"I love you, don't ever think that I would lie to you like that." Phil said "please don't leave me and tell me you regret everything it would crush me." Phil said with an achy chest

"I'm not good for you." Dan said. "But I wouldn't give up my time with you for anything in the whole world." Dan smiled at Phil.

"You're right you aren't good for me." Phil said softly, his hand protectively holding Dans waist

Dan bit his lip and looked down. "We shouldn't do this. Youre happier with A-Alex. Just, forget about me. I'll be gone soon enough anyway."

"-you didn't let me finish." Phil said "you're way too good for me, all I did was treat you like shit but you're here, you're here and you're kissing me." Phil said softly leaning forward kissing him

Dan let out a soft whimper when he felt Phil's lips press against his. He could never get enough of it. He kissed back immediately and chased after Phil's lips when he tried to pull away.

Phil loved the feeling of warmth throughout his body with the taste of his lips, holding Dan closer as he clutched his lower back, sliding further downwards to Dans ass for second

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