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If Phil wasn't awake a minute ago he certainly was now, he sat so he was almost hovering over Alex, "what are you serious?" Phil asked with a wide smile on his face, but there was something deep inside that made him feel a little sick at the thought of commitment

"I just want you to be all mine." Alex smiled widely and looked down at Phil with a massive smile.

"Yes of course I'll be your boyfriend- woah, boyfriend sounds so weird." Phil chuckled with a huge grin, but something wasn't right

Alex only laughed and leaned in to kiss Phil gently as he cupped his cheek. He pulled him even closer.

Phil kissed Alex softly, their lips touching delicately as he moved to straddle Alex so his head was turned in an awkward position

Alex pulled away and they ended up kissing the whole time before they fell asleep.

Phil woke up with his head on Alex's chest and their legs intertwined, his smile faltered as he realised the man he lay on was his boyfriend. An uneasy feeling lay in his stomach at the thought. He carefully climbed off of Alex and he grabbed his clothes as he began to get dressed

Alex groaned and woke up soon enough too, kissing Phil sleepily before getting ready to take Phil to the hospital. Besides he wanted to have a 'chat' with dan and let him know that Phil was his.

"Can we stop at a florist on the way, I want to get him so flowers." Phil asked shyly to Alex on the way to the hospital

"Alright." Alex smiled and they did stop at a florist. When they got there, Dan was laying in bed, playing with his fringe. It had gotten so long. He really needed a hair cut.

Phil knocked on Dans door before opening it slowly, the flowers behind his back as he looked at Dan on the bed

Dan looked up and looked surprised when he saw Phil walk in. He thought Phil had abandoned him.

"I got you a little something for being a shitty best friend and not seeing you yesterday." Phil said bringing the flowers out from behind his back, flushing red slightly

"Oh, um, thanks." Dan blushed a little as he sat up with some struggle and took the flowers. They looked nice. He held them close and offered a small smile.

"You look so much better, I'm so proud of you for getting through this, Alex and I will pay for it when you're discharged so don't worry about the costs, also if you want to give me the key to where you were staying I could bring everything back over to our apartment?" Phil offered, siting by dans bedside

"I can move back in?" Dan gasped, sounded extremely surprised. He didn't know why Phil was being so nice. Was it out of pity.

"Dan, the whole reason I found you was I was heading to your apartment to tell you that you could, I missed you so much I couldn't and can't live without you, you scared me so much." Phil said taking a deep breath

"O-Okay." Dan smiled a little wider, feeling a lot better. He could believe it! He had a chance to make this all okay.

Phil smiled at the look on Dans face, feeling a light feeling in his stomach knowing that there could be some norm between them again, "Can Alex come in? I feel a bit awkward that he's just loitering outside." Phil chuckled softly "also what the hell have you done to your fringe?" Phil asked as he meant over to brush Dans hair out of his eyes

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