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It was just last month when Dan finally had the balls to admit to himself that he was in fact, very much in love with his best friend. It was obvious to everyone except for the both of them really. So the whole month, Dan kept trying to be extra flirty to Phil. He wasn't gonna mope about Phil not loving him. He wanted to make a move. Only... Slowly. Like today, when Dan was cooking Phil's favourite meal for dinner. Phil was outside, doing Phil things. He seemed to disappear a lot these days but Dan didn't mention it.

Phil needed space. A breather. Being in the same house with someone for years start to take their toll . Phil never wanted to admit it, Dans his best friend and he would never want to hurt him. He never thought he would say it and it hurt his chest to even think of it; he was getting sick of Dan

Dan dressed up the dinner and sat down, waiting for Phil to come home. Sometimes, phil was a little mean to Dan, especially recently, but Dan was sure he was imagining it.

Phil walked back into the house, flustered and red faced, the salty tears rubbed away with the sleeve of his grey jumper. He needed to tell Dan that he wanted to move out, or at least rent another apartment for some time, but as soon as Phil walked through the door, he smelt the food Dan had cooked and feebly headed to the dining table where Dan was sat with an awkward smile

"Hey, loser, I made your favourite." Dan smiled. He was honestly desperate to see his old Phil back. The one who would praise him, make him laugh and poke fun at him. This Phil was only ever annoyed with Dan.

Phil huffed slightly aggravated pulling his chair out harsher than expected "Dan honestly if you keep cooking my favourite meals every couple of days I'm gonna get sick of it." He groaned at the sight of the food before him. He wasn't hungry at all but to show a little gratitude to Dans effort he decided to pick up the food and take a mouthful

"Oh, um, do you prefer something else?" Dan forced a smile and played with his thumbs. Phil looked so irritated just by Dan's presence.

Phil tried to look up and force a smile "just any food will be fine, look thanks for the food and all but I really don't want to eat at the moment Dan, I've lost all my appetite." Phil groaned with a low voice trying to keep himself from snapping again, his leg violently starting to shake up and down under the table

"B-But I worked really hard... Do you want me to heat it up for you later?" Dan asked softly and looked down.

Phil tried to suppress and irritated huff of annoyance, that whiny noise Dan made when something didn't go his way had been grinding away at his nerves. "Dan for the Lords sake just fucking shut up with that god damn annoying whiny sound! Do whatever the fuck you want with it I'm going to bed." Phil shouted, all the built up tension and irritation was driven into those sentences Phil stood up quickly from him chair, slowly heading towards the door with his arms now being his head

"O-Okay." Dan whimpered quietly and looked at the table. He had hoped Phil would joke with him and tell him his food was good. "I-I'll um," Dan whimpered again and stood up to clear the plates

Phil felt his heart clench, what the fuck was going on with him? Why was he acting like an asshole? Phil ran his hands through his partially sweaty hair as he turned back to look at Dan, "look Dan I'm sorry for snapping I just have some heavy thought in my head that I don't want to be there- I appreciate the food you make but I just have no appetite." Phil tiredly and half heartedly tried to apologise

"It's fine. I'm going out for a bit." Dan mumbled and abandoned cleaning up. He grabbed his phone and wallet. Fuck this. Why did he try at all? This was useless.

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