Forbidden Love - Request Imagine for Leighannexp

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But you couldn't stop loving Marcel. He was the only one for you, your soul mate.  

"I'm sorry, Leighanne. I can't do anything about it. Please don't hate me." Marcel looked towards you, but you wouldn't look into his sad and pleading eyes.  

"I don't hate you. I'm just fed up with her doing this to us Marcel. You know just as well as I that she is doing this on purpose." You press down a little harder on the gas pedal and Marcel squirms in his seat a little bit.  

"Please slow down. Or better yet pull over there." He says and points towards a driveway that leads to a local state park. You do as he says knowing that getting a speeding ticket won't help the situation right now.  

Once you pull into a parking spot and turn off the car, you fold your arms across your chest and look straight ahead.  

"Look, I don't know what kind of problem your mom has with me, but she better fix it." You say into the silent air.  

"Baby." Marcel reaches over to you and turns your face towards him. "Look at me."  

"What?" You say and instantly feel anger slipping away looking into those perfect eyes.  

"I love you. When I say that I mean it. She will never stop me from doing so and neither will anyone else. I promise you that I will talk to her about it as soon as I get home. When I do I will call you and tell you everything. No matter what she says, she'll be dead wrong. Well unless she says that you're the most beautiful girl in the world, then she'll be right." He says and unfolds your arms from your chest. 

Warmth spreads through your body just from his touch.  

"Okay Marcel. I believe you. You know that I wouldn't ever leave you no matter what happens. To be honest..." You say and bow your head away from him. "I have thought about it before because of all the things that your mother does to get at me. But I've stuck with it because I love you too much to just get up and leave it all."  

Marcel's expression is unreadable when you lift up your head to look at him. A few silent moments later, he smiles.  

"You know, I love that you're honest with me about everything. I wouldn't want it any other way." He brings one of your hands to his mouth and presses a sweet, gentle kiss to it. "I love you." 

"I love you too, Marcel. So much it's insane. You're my everything." You say quietly, but surely.  

"Mine too." He reaches over and pulls you into a hug. You aren't exactly comfortable with the gear shift jabbing into your ribs, but it felt nice to be in his arms. Around tens minutes went by with you two holding onto each other before you pulled apart.  

"I think it's time I go back to the prison. The warden is waiting for me." Marcel says and fastens his seat belt. You sigh and do the same while starting the car.  

"Will you come over after?" You ask and back out of the parking space.  

"I'll try my best. If I don't I'll lock myself in my room with both house phones and call you." He says chuckling a little bit.  

"Okaaaay babe." You laugh too and drive him home. You weren't very far from his house so the drive was short.  

"thanks for coming to get me and taking me out of the house for a little bit. I enjoy every moment that I spend with you." Marcel pecks you quickly on the cheek before exiting the car.  

Once again, you are alone with your thoughts. One of the biggest ones is, 'why does she hate me?' 

You shake your head and drive away from the house. You live only a few blocks away so it doesn't take long for you to get home. You park your car in the driveway and sigh while walking up to the door. Once you get inside the smell of roasted chicken makes your mouth water.  

Your family is just about to eat when they notice that you're home early.  

"Hi dear. I thought you wouldn't be joining us tonight?" Your mom says as she sets down the pitcher of ice water. 

"Plans changed I guess." You mumble suddenly thinking about that whole mess again. 

"What did she do this time?" Your dad asks entering the room with potato salad and a spoon. 

"Well it was about four thirty when we were halfway to the library when he gets a phone call saying that he had to be home for dinner at five. She knew where he was going and what he would be doing." You sit down at the table and start reaching for a piece of the chicken.  

"That woman is certainly losing it. Hey, get a plate." Your dad scolds. 

"I think that too. She has changed a lot since before you both were born. She used to be very joyful, but ever since Des left her, she started to well lose it." Your mom sits down in the seat across from you.  

"Maybe that's it." You mumble once you come back with a plate.  

After dinner you help clear the table and then head upstairs waiting for a phone call from Marcel. You opened your favorite book and began reading when a few pages into it, you hear light pings on the glass of your window.  



"What....the..." You say and put your book down and stand up off your bed. You pull apart the curtains and look down to your backyard. The sun was setting so there was an orange glow outside. In that orange glow was Marcel throwing little pebbles from the plants at your window.  

You unlocked the window and then pulled it up, sticking your head out.  

"Marcel! What are you doing down there?" You say and chuckle at him as he cups his hands around his mouth.  

"Come down princess!" He calls and you laugh giving him the signal that you'll be down in a second. You shut the window and run downstairs and out the back door. Your parents barely glance in your direction when you pass them.  

"Hey!" You squeal excitedly, happy to see Marcel was actually here with you. 

"Hi, baby." He pulls you into a hug. "I snuck out. Mom fell asleep because she had a headache. I know that she took medicine too so she won't wake up for a while." 

"Oh really." You say somewhat sarcastically.  

"Yes." Marcel doesn't seem to catch the sarcasm and if he did, he didn't say anything. 

"So um, want to come upstairs then?" You reach for his hand to pull him into the house. He nods his head and follows behind you. He mumbles a quick hello to your parents before you drag him upstairs.  

Once you get to the room you let him go in first and then shut the door behind you. 

"So um, how was dinner?" He asks and rubs the back of his neck. He goes to sit down on your bed.  

"It was okay." You say and sit really close next to him.  

"That's good." He replies and turns to face you. You lean in closer, but you don't close your eyes. Instead you study his face. The way his nose is slightly bumped in the middle indicating that he had broken it once before. The way that there are freckles scattered across his nose and under his eyes, you could only see them if you were up close. But the best part of all was his green eyes. How they shone so brightly against his pale face and pink soft lips. Marcel was utterly perfect.  

"Kiss me." You whisper and Marcel places both his palms on your face and pulls your lips closer to his. A sweet tender kiss is placed on your lips before he backs away. His hands never leave your face. 

"Leighanne, I pledge to you all my love, my kisses, and my hugs. Forever. No one can get in the way, not even my mother. I will fight for this relationship. I won't ever give up." He says looking clear into your soul.  

"I love you Marcel." You whisper and he showers your face with delicate and loving kisses.


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