Marcel The Runaway

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'A/N~ Sorry in advance for the weird spacing. It was too long for me to fix~Enjoy

Marcel, your best friend and neighbor has been gone two days.

Two days of pain without him.

Not just for you but his family as well because no one had known where he went let alone if he was still alive.

Two days ago Marcel’s mother, Anne, came over frantically asking if you had seen her son. You shook your head no, but you had just texted him an hour before. He seemed completely normal, well at least for Marcel. His normal had been slightly depressed about being continually bullied, but he had always promised that he would never do anything to himself.

However this news shocked you so bad you started to shake. You grabbed your boots, a coat and a scarf and headed out to your car. Marcel couldn’t be far. He didn’t have a car and he was never a fast runner.

Hours and hours passed as you drove up and down every street, Anne in the passenger seat next to you. She had been screaming out the window for her one and only son who had gone missing.

Pretty soon, it was well past midnight when you both decided that the police needed to be involved to find Marcel. Anne called them, her hands shaking as she held your phone in her hands.

They had arrived in five minutes and gathered a search party which lasted into the afternoon hours of that new day. You had parked the car and gotten out to search in the cornfields near your houses. Every four rows of corn, you screamed Marcel’s name, but only got the rustling of wind and corn as a response.

A police officer who was searching with you at the time spotted something on the ground and held it up for you to examine.

A pair of thick rimmed glasses was placed into your gloved hands and you let out a sob. The officer patted your shoulder gently as you stuffed the glasses into your pocket and screamed for Marcel again. You hoped that he would hear the panic and sadness in your voice and come running to you.

Once the afternoon hours turned into night and you could barely keep your eyes open, you decided that you needed at least two hours of sleep. You told Anne that you were going to go home and take a quick nap before coming back. She nodded her head quickly and tried to smile the best she could.

However it came out more of a grimace and you felt terrible for leaving so you offered to stay longer. But Anne shook her head and told you to go home, that you have done so much already and need your sleep. You quickly obliged so you could quickly come back to search with her again.

You were able to sleep for only an hour because you couldn’t stop thinking about Marcel. This boy whom was your best friend since you were a child was out there somewhere, alone. You couldn’t stand the thought of him alone especially if he is depressed. He always called you and talked to you if he was and you made him feel better. In turn he made you feel loved because he needed you so much.

But why hadn’t he called you? Why had he just run away? It hurt to know that he would do this without at least telling someone let alone you.

Then it finally hit you. You were in love with Marcel. It didn’t matter how he looked on the outside with his goofy hair and thick glasses and ugly green sweater vests. No, you loved Marcel. The one that told you how beautiful you were when you felt fat and ugly, the one that told you how much he needed you in his life, the one that showed you how much he loved you.

And you took it all for granted. You thought he would never leave. You underestimated him and now he is gone.

So you went back out and searched for him by yourself. Calling out for him like a mad person, people staring at you as you walked down the crowded streets. Some even stopped you and asked if there was any way they could help.

Marcel ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora