Cuddly Marcel

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"Marcel, I'm getting the popcorn you pick a movie!" You yell to your best friend as he nods his head before closing his math book.

He had come over after school because you hated being alone in the apartment all day. You wish that he would just move in with you, but he wouldn't because he didn't have a steady job to help pay for rent. Still you had told him countless times that you just wanted him in there anyway because he was your only friend at the Uni so far.

You didn't really plan on making more best friends either seeing as you weren't exactly a people person. Marcel was all you needed, he was awesome and to be honest with yourself, you thought you had a slight crush on the nerd.

Yes, nerd. With his thick glasses, slicked back hair and shirt with a pocket protector, yes Marcel was a total nerd.

But you didn't care, he was the first one that was ever nice to you in highschool, so you just stuck with him.

"Have you got the popcorn yet?" Marcel's raspy voice chimes. He had an amazing nice voice for the way he dressed. It didn't suit him.

"Hold on a bloody minute, will you?" You chuckle as the last few kernels pop happily in the microwave.

"Nope. You waited too long, I picked a scary movie!" He cried over the loud music that was playing. You walked back in the main room and saw him sitting cross legged on the floor in front of your TV, a Sinister DVD case clutched in his hand.

You didn't own that movie.

"You totally brought that over to watch it with me. You are scared to by yourself!" You tease and sit down on the floor next to him. You lean back on the couch and toss some popcorn into your mouth.

"FIne, you caught me. But hey, you want to watch it too, don't lie." Marcel smirks and his left dimple slightly shows.

You can't help but smile back, those dimples are what makes you fall for him.

"Hey now, hey now." You punch his arm, which is nice a firm from all the times you worked out together.

Bascially you two did everything together. Even got tattoos together. And let's just say Marcel was very attractive with tattoos.

A loud noise brings you closer to Marcel and changes your thoughts.

"What the hell?" You blurt as the main menu appears.

"Calm down it's okay." Marcel smiles and presses play.

Before you know it, your head is pressed into Marcel's chest and his face is hidden in your hair. You were both scardy cats ever since you seen the thing in the movie. You were going to have nightmares now.

"Marcel, this was such a bad idea." You say into his chest.

"I know, I know. Never again." He reaches for the remote and turns off the tv, the room is completely pitch black now.

"I guess, maybe we should have left that on..." He mumbles and you hold tight to him.

The dark is one thing you were afraid of. You slept with a night light on every night. Marcel knew this too.

"It's okay, I'm here for you, Y/n." He says softly knowing your fear of the dark.

When you were little one night you awoke to a creak in the hallway. Your little hands rubbed at your eyes for you couldn't believe the sight in front of you. An old woman whom you had come to know as the former owner of the home, stood staring back at you. However she hadn't just snuck into the home like a burgular, she was dead.

Ever since then you slept with a light, and it worked since you never saw her again.

"Marcel, I'm scared." You mumble into him.

"It's going to be alright, just keep your eyes closed and I'll bring you to the bedroom." He scoops you up with sudden strength and soon you're traveling expertly to your room. Marcel had been over so many times he knew this apartment like the back of his hand.

Once you reach the room, he flips the light on and gently sets you down on the bed. You open your eyes to see that his hair is messy and his glasses slightly askew.

"Marcel..." You say softly.

"What?" He backs away from the bed so he can turn on your night light.

"Will you stay with me?" He's slept over many times, but never in the same bed.

"Sure, I'll get the blankets and everything." He nods and starts to leave.

"No, with me. In the bed." You call out, bringing him to a stop in his tracks.

He turns around with a huge smile on his face. He runs back in the room, flipping off the larger light before tumbling into bed next to you.

"I'd thought you'd never ask, Y/n" He says and you can smell the colonge you bought him for his birthday. You smile at him in the dim light.

"You're amazing." Scooching closer to him, until you feel his warmth radiating off his body.

"Do you love me like I love you?" He suddenly blurts.


"You don't have to answer that, I'm sorry." He admits and backs away a little bit, turning over on his back under the covers.

"Marcel, come here." You coo and get closer, rolling him back to you.

"Of course I do. Each and every day I fall in love with you more." You slide your arms around his warm body. He pulls you closer and puts his smooth lips to your cheek. You can feel him smile as he kisses you.

"The same with me. I'm in love with you, Y/n." His arms squeeze you tight to him. You whisper back that you love him before you close your eyes falling into a deep, comforting sleep.


One eye pops open and you groan feeling a heavy weight on you chest. You look down to see Marcel's head and arm sprawled across you protectively. Your arms wrap around him and he moans, waking up.

"No, don't go." He groans and snuggles into your chest.

"I won't go anywhere, baby." You feel the prickles of heat on your face for calling him baby.

He picks his head up, his cheek a rose red and his eyes squinty.

"You just called me baby." He says raspily and smirks.

"So?" You blush again and make small circles with your hand along his back.

"You're my baby." He smirks again before he pulls himself closer to your face. He stares deeply into your eyes, toturing you before he puts a small delicate kiss on your lips.

You sigh and grab his beautiful face in both hands and show him how to kiss for real.


I'm running out of ideas and I don't want to repeat myself, so sorry if this is a bit of poop. lol. I just felt like i needed to update them so here we are! anyway...if you want one made for you, just request one and i'll make it just for you!

thanks for reading!

don't forget to read my other books and follow me on twitter @harrysofine18 !

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