You and Marcel Have A Fight

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You could feel the anger boiling inside you. Your boyfriend of a year had just come home late for the millionth time and you were tired of it.

“Don’t play that bull with me, Marcel!” You scream as he stands still, frustration creasing his forehead.

“Y/n, you don’t understand!” He tries to say calmly, but his voice squeaks at the end and he pushes up his glasses.

“of course I don’t. I always don’t. You just expect me to accept that you are out late every night doing god knows what. You don’t even attempt to give me an explanation. It’s like you don’t give a shit.” You begin to pace back and forth.

“But I can’t tell you, honey. But please believe me, I would never cheat on you. Ever. I pledge my love to you forever.” Marcel takes steps toward you but you back away.

“Pledging your love to me means you can tell me everything. There is no secrets! I tell you everything! How the hell am I supposed to know you aren’t lying to me right now? You don’t love me.” You feel the anger finally bubble over and regret your words as soon as they leave your mouth. The look on Marcel’s face is trying to mask the hurtful words you just threw at him.

“Y/n, how could you?” Marcel says with tearful eyes.

You knew that this boy loved you dearly ever since he first laid eyes on you back in fifth grade. Back when he was a quiet, shy nerd. But then you gave him a chance and you have been together since the beginning of your senior year. It would be a year tomorrow and you took a day off work just to celebrate.

“Marcel…I…” It was too late, you already said the words.

“No, Y/n. Don’t try to fix it.” Marcel grabs his coat hastily from the coat rack that you two had spent a week trying to make. Finally you both just gave up when you couldn’t figure out how to get more hooks on.

“Please don’t go.” You plead with a small voice. Marcel doesn’t listen as he pulls open the door and slams it behind him.  A tear falls from you cheek.

Then you remember you still had reason to be mad at him, he only used that as an escape from the conversation about him being home late. But that still was no excuse to say that the boy didn’t love you. For that was the biggest lie you have ever told.

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