Our Baby Boy -Request Imagine for midnightm3mories

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"Push again!" The doctor urged as you screamed out in pain. You could only give so much more before you were spent. Yet you tried anyway and pushed once more. A small wail pierced the air and grew louder. You felt sudden relief and collapsed back against the bed.

"It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed over his wails as everyone crowded around to take care of the baby. You closed your eyes feeling happy, you always wanted a boy. 

It feels like only minutes later that Marcel is by your side, tapping your shoulder. 

"Scarlett, open up your eyes and look at our beautiful boy." He says and you do as he wishes. The baby is swaddled in a blue blanket with a blue hat pulled over his hairless head. He is quiet as Marcel leans down to offer you him. 

"He's adorable, Mrs. Styles." A nurse says as she walks into the room to monitor your IV. 

"Thank you." Marcel smiles widely at the nurse and she nods before walking out of the room. 

The baby boy is now in your arms. You can feel the warmth from his tiny body as he wriggles around. He lets out a sigh, knowing that he is with his mother and peacefully falls into a deep sleep. 

"What shall we name him?" You ask and look up at your husband. 

"Ethan William." Marcel smiles at the tiny baby and then looks into your eyes. "Scarlett, that's the name you picked out years ago when we first started dating. I've loved it ever since then."

"Y-you remember that?" You say in awe as you cuddle Ethan closer to you. You suddenly feel so much stronger instead of the weakness you felt after giving birth. 

"Of course I do. I remember everthing from back then. Well everything about you." He pauses and sits down on the bed next to you. "I remember you used to wear your hair in braids and buns all the time. And how you would dress in skirts and loved to flounce around to make them twirl out. The way you smiled when I called you baby for the first time. You said that it was so out of my character to say such a thing." 

You both chuckle at that remembering the times when you were young. Marcel was nerdy and shy, you were pretty and quiet. You found each other when you were partnered up for a group takeh-home project in your high school art class. 

"I guess that I remember a lot from then too. Like remember how you used to wear those huge, thick glasses? And when I say huge, I mean huge!" You laugh and then remember to be careful to not wake the baby. Marcel frowns slightly, but can't hold it for long as your laugh is contagious. 

"Okay, I admit it was kind of a bad decision to wear those all the time." He chuckles and then places a hand on Ethan. "You both are beautiful and I wouldn't ever want to trade you for the world. You are my world." 

His words bring tears to your eyes and one trails down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb. 

"Thank you Marcel. I love you so much." You smile and he leans to plant a kiss on both cheeks before your lips and then placing one on baby Ethan's forehead. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but you are free to go home now Mrs. Styles. You might not want to go right away, so you can rest for a bit." A nurse with short brown hair says and smiles at the scene before her. 

"Okay I think I'll rest a little bit." You smile and the nurse smiles before leaving. 

"Well then Missy get some rest." Marcel says and goes to sit in a chair. 

You cradle baby Ethan in your arms before closing your eyes and falling into a peaceful sleep.

A few hours later, you awaken and stretch your arms. Suddenly you realize that your baby is gone and your eyes grow wide. 

"It's okay, he's in the crib. Don't worry Scarlett." Marcel says and places his hand on your arm. You feel relieve that Ethan is safe and you're ready to go home now. 

"I'm ready to go home now." You state and he nods. 

"I figured that much." He smiles and packs up everything before helping you to your feet and getting you dressed properly. After you are ready, he hands the small child to you, which you cuddle against your chest happy to have him in your arms again. 

All the nurses smile as you walk by with Ethan. Moments later after getting all the paper work done you step out into the spring air. 

Ethan wakes up and makes a gurgling sound, which surprises you because you aren't used to it. You smile when you notice Marcel has the same weird look on his face. 

"I guess that's something we have to get used to." Marcel muses and you laugh. 

As you look down into Ethan's beautiful emerald eyes, like his fathers, you see your furture. Ethan is your future. It's going to be a great long life between the three of you and you couldn't be happier. 


I hope you liked it! Thanks for asking for an imagine I really enjoyed writing it:) 

If anyone would like an imagine,  please don't hesitate to contact me through a message or a comment. Just take into consideration that I am busier than I used to be, but I promise the quality of work will never go down:) 

thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

kiss, kiss


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